Haunted by the death of her mother and the crimes of her father, Kate Bishop rejected family wealth and embraced a heroic path. Inspired by her favorite Avenger, Hawkeye, Kate took up Clint Barton’s mantle when he was believed to be dead. As a member of the Young Avengers, Kate even earned the approval of Captain America himself. Since Clint’s return, he and Kate have shared their codename and even become partners. Now, Kate has relocated to Los Angeles and operates as an unlicensed private investigator and a heroine for hire.

Kate Bishop and Clint Barton work as partners.

Bishop’s Beginnings

When she was a young girl, Kate became suspicious of her father, Derek Bishop, after witnessing him beat up a man in their home. Kate followed Derek to a meeting with El Matador, a low level Super Villain who had business dealings with her father. El Matador captured the youth and tried to ransom her. Kate’s escape attempt was successful thanks to the timely arrival of the Avengers. She was particularly impressed by Hawkeye, the only Avenger present who didn’t have powers, and quickly latched on to him as her new role model.

Years later, Kate was attacked while jogging in Central Park. Traumatized by her experience, she dedicated herself to learning archery, sword fighting, and several different forms of combat training and self-defense. During the wedding of her sister, Susan, Kate witnessed the Young Avengers in action and even came to their rescue when their attempt to save the guests from a robbery attempt started to backfire. Seizing her chance to become a heroine, Kate teamed up with Cassie Lang and tracked down the Young Avengers to secure memberships for themselves.

In the subsequent battle with Kang, Bishop put together a makeshift costume from equipment and uniforms used by Hawkeye, Mockingbird, Swordsman, and Black Widow. After proving her worth to the team, Kate assumed Hawkeye’s codename as her own and embarked on her new career.

Kate Bishop joins the Young Avengers as Hawkeye.

Kate of All Trades

Much like the original Hawkeye, Kate Bishop has no superpowers of her own. However, she is a master archer and very skilled with swords and battle staves. Kate also has training in boxing, jiu jitsu, hand-to-hand combat, kickboxing, and various martial arts.

Kate uses her archery skills to fight crime.

However, Bishop may have the potential for powers, as demonstrated by her father, Derek. Thanks to genetic tinkering of his DNA, Kate’s dad is able to gain a younger clone body that had the power of “suggestion,” which can force his will upon other people. Madame Masque is so convinced about Kate’s potential for superhuman abilities that she makes a clone of Bishop’s body for herself. However, no powers manifest during Masque’s stint in that form.

Hawkeye’s Hit List

Derek Bishop is his daughter’s worst enemy, even though he still appears to have some affection for her. When she was younger, Kate was blissfully unaware of her father’s underworld connections or his dark side; but when she was old enough to notice, she came to resent that part of his life. Derek had already cut off Kate from his money when she discovered his links to a criminal organization run by Madame Masque. He even put out a hit on his daughter and Clint Barton alongside mob bosses and Super Villains. The elder Bishop was also the power behind Take Back Control, an organization that thrives on hate and controls its members.

Kate Bishop overpowers Madame Masque and assumes her identity in order to save Clint Barton.

Madame Masque has had a big grudge against Kate ever since the young Hawkeye overpowered her and briefly assumed her identity to save Clint Barton. Since then, Masque has continuously reentered Bishop’s life and she even briefly attempted to pass herself off as Kate while using a cloned body in Los Angeles.

Aggregate was one of the first villains Kate encountered during her second stint in L.A. He used Take Back Control to kidnap Kate’s client and to give himself powers. While Aggregate appeared to die when he exploded, Masque’s clone bodies may allow him to live again. Both Hawkeyes also took on Eden Vale, a Super Villain who blames Clint for the death of her daughter during Hydra’s Secret Empire takeover.

As a member of the Young Avengers, Kate has gone up against Kang the Conqueror, Doctor Doom, and an inter-dimensional parasite called Mother.

Social Circle

Kate’s primary allies are her past and present teammates in the various incarnations Young Avengers: Iron Lad, Hulkling, Wiccan, Speed, Miss America, Patriot, Prodigy, Stature, Vision, Noh-Varr, and Loki.

Kate Bishop with the Young Avengers

Kate has had romantic relationships with Patriot and Noh-Varr while also sharing a less serious connection with Speed.

Clint Barton is Kate’s primary partner and role model, but their connection occasionally becomes complicated by their time working together. Still, his partnership and mentorship mean everything to her, and Kate very much values her namesake and considers Clint her family. They always reconcile despite whatever conflicts arise between them, as they always fly true together.

Kate Bishop with her parter and role model, Clint Barton.

Bishop also openly admires Jessica Jones and considers her also to be a mentor. Jones is the only one besides Kate’s therapist who knows about her trauma.

Kate opens up to Jessica Jones about her trauma.

Kate is also on very good terms with Wolverine, Honey Badger, and Deadpool.

Since opening Hawkeye Investigations in Los Angeles, Kate has found a makeshift team of friends including Ramone and Johnny Watts, Quincy “Quinn” Bradford III, and Mikka Nguyen. Kate also has custody of Clint’s and now her beloved dog, Lucky.




120 lbs.







Universe, Other Aliases, Education, Place of Origin, Identity, Known Relatives, Powers, Group Affiliation
  • Universe

  • Other Aliases

  • Education

  • Place of Origin

  • Identity

  • Known Relatives

  • Powers

  • Group Affiliation

Hawkeye’s History

When she was very young, Kate Bishop began noticing things about her father Derek’s life that disturbed her. She also witnessed the strained relationship between him and her mother, Eleanor. However, Kate didn’t initially realize that her mom was trying to get her away from Derek shortly before Eleanor was believed to have died in an accident. Kate also witnessed Derek beating up a man in his study. Soon after, she hid in her father’s car as he drove to a meeting with El Matador. Kate emerged from hiding and heard enough to realize that Derek was in league with the villain. However, Kate was left behind and captured by El Matador and his men, who decided to use her as leverage against her father.

Kate Bishop is kidnapped and held as leverage by El Matador and his men.

El Matador forced Kate to speak with Derek over the phone, before she started her own escape attempt. It would have failed if not for the arrival of the Avengers. It was a life-changing moment for Kate, as she saw Hawkeye in action and instantly recognized that his immense archery skills gave him a place among Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

When she was older, Kate was brutally attacked while jogging in Central Park. She never shared the details of the attack with her friends, but the incident galvanized her to begin training in self-defense, combat, archery, and other fighting skills. That practice came in handy on the day of her sister’s wedding. Kate was one of Susan Bishop’s maids of honor when criminals took the entire wedding party hostage during a robbery. The Young Avengers attempted to intervene, but it was Bishop who defused the situation with one of Patriot’s throwing stars.

While Derek demanded that a hospital immediately treat his daughter, Kate was approached by Cassie Lang, the daughter of Ant-Man (Scott Lang). Together, they decided to find the Young Avengers and invite themselves on to the team. Although they initially received a less than enthusiastic response, Bishop was able to contribute to the subsequent battle with Kang after putting together an impromptu costume from several different Avengers uniforms. After the fight, she and Cassie officially joined the team.

Much to the amazement of her new teammates, Kate refused to back down when Captain America and Iron Man ordered the Young Avengers to break up. Instead, she used her family’s wealth to finance the team and buy them new costumes while operating out of a warehouse formerly used by her father’s company. When Patriot was injured, Kate pushed back against Captain America and said it wouldn’t have happened if he had helped train them. Cap decided that Kate was right and sent her a personalized note addressed to “Hawkeye” along with the bow and arrows that once belonged to Clint Barton.

During the first Super Hero Civil War, Kate and the Young Avengers sided with Captain America’s anti-registration faction. Following their defeat and Cap’s subsequent assassination, Kate had her first interaction with Clint Barton since she was a child. Iron Man had offered Clint the opportunity to be the next Captain America, but Kate angrily berated him for taking Cap’s costume and shield. Kate didn’t know she was talking to her predecessor when she said she would give up the name if the original Hawkeye was still alive, and that wearing another hero’s costume was disrespectful.

Clint decided that Kate was right and returned the Captain America outfit to Tony Stark. The next time he approached Kate, Clint put on his Ronin costume and crashed her awkward date with Patriot. Kate quickly realized that it was a test instead of a real fight, before Barton gave her the temporary address of the New Avengers’ headquarters. Later, Clint formally introduced himself to Kate and offered her a chance to keep his Hawkeye bow and arrows and the codename if he couldn’t make an impossible shot. However, Clint easily made it and Kate sadly relinquished everything she had for Hawkeye.

Kate’s teammate, Speed, helped her realize that this was another test. To get her weapons back, she simply broke into the Avengers headquarters and took them. Clint immediately realized what had happened and he was proud of the way she handled it. He let Kate keep the Hawkeye name and his equipment, while also gifting her with a portrait of his first Avengers team.

Clint and Kate crossed paths again during the Skrulls’ Secret Invasion. During the final battle, Kate was knocked unconscious. Clint took the opportunity to pick up her bow and arrow and continued fighting with his familiar weapons. While Clint retained his Ronin persona through the end of Norman Osborn’s Dark Reign, he reclaimed his codename after the Siege of Asgard. However, Clint told Kate that the world was big enough for two Hawkeyes, and told her to keep the moniker as well.

Alongside the Young Avengers, Kate discovered the fate of Scarlet Witch after she ended the House of M reality. The team was accidentally able to rescue Cassie’s father, Scott Lang, from the moment of his death. But when Scarlet Witch’s enhanced powers were stolen by Doctor Doom, Cassie was killed during the ensuing battle. Kate mourned the loss of her friend along with the rest of her team, but Iron Lad refused to accept Cassie’s death and retreated into the timestream. Sometime later, Cassie was resurrected as well.

Clint took Kate on as his unofficial partner as they clashed with mob bosses and low-level crooks. Kate earned the undying enmity of Madame Masque when she knocked her out and stole her costume to help Clint get out of a tight situation. But eventually, their partnership soured and Kate decided to leave Clint behind and move to Los Angeles. She soon learned that her father had cut off her access to his money, forcing her to make a living as a private investigator/Super Hero.

While living in Los Angeles, Kate discovered that her father had ties to Masque’s criminal organization. Kate returned to New York and re-teamed with Clint to take on the Russian Mafia, as her own father and other criminals put a hit out on both Hawkeyes. After surviving that crisis, Kate and Clint took on a mission for S.H.I.E.L.D. to retrieve a deadly weapon from Hydra called Project Communion. When the weapon turned out to be three deformed Inhuman children, the Hawkeyes freed them before discovering just how deadly the kids could be.

Although the Project Communion kids slaughtered the Hydra agents, neither Kate nor Clint felt comfortable leaving them under S.H.I.E.L.D.’s supervision. The Hawkeyes broke the kids out of S.H.I.E.L.D., but Clint unilaterally decided to let Hydra recover the children when he realized that they had very little control over their dangerous abilities. That choice alienated Kate from Clint and they went their separate ways. Eventually, Clint apologized to Kate for making the wrong call and asked for her help. Together, the Hawkeyes conned S.H.I.E.L.D. into believing that the Project Communion children were accidentally killed. In reality, they arranged to hide them on a remote island with Barney (Clint’s brother) and his family.

The second Super Hero Civil War also tested Kate’s bond with Clint when he killed Bruce Banner before he could become the Hulk. Kate took that as a betrayal and felt angry that her codename was linked to his actions. She ultimately sided with Iron Man’s side and opposed using the Inhuman Ulysses’ visions as a justification for incarceration or even murder.

After the conflict was over, Kate once again moved to Los Angeles and opened Hawkeye Investigations. While Kate intended to help her potential clients, her real mission was to find her father and determine whether he killed her mother. Following the conclusion of Kate’s first case, she received an enigmatic invitation from Madame Masque that led Kate right to her father, who was now in a younger cloned body with powers.

Kate’s encounter with Derek led her to believe that her mother might still be alive, but first she had to escape from Masque’s clutches while she briefly took over Bishop’s life. Clint came to town to ask Kate for her help with someone trying to kill him. The Hawkeyes discovered that the would-be killer was Eden Vale, who blamed Clint for the loss of her daughter during the Secret Empire’s reign.

Eden attempted to recruit Kate’s assistance by using her power to pull the younger Hawkeye’s mother from the past to the present. Kate refused, and told Eden that Clint was her family. Barton’s attempt to pit Masque against Eden spectacularly backfired, as they teamed up against the heroes. Kate actually had to rescue her father and ask for his help dealing with the situation. Derek lived up to his word, but he slipped away soon after.

The Hawkeyes were eventually able to talk Eden down, while Masque and her men escaped. One of Masque’s partners revealed that she is Eleanor Bishop, and she is still very much alive in the present. Kate Bishop has no idea how close her mother actually is, but she will probably find out somewhere down the line.

fighting skills