Marvel Adventures Spider-Man (2005) #33

Marvel Adventures Spider-Man (2005) #33

Marvel Adventures Spider-Man (2005) #33

  • Published

    November 07, 2007

The good news: Aunt May has renovated the guest room in her house and rented it out to a boarder to earn some extra dough for the family. The bad news: She's rented it to DOCTOR OCTOPUS! Not only is Spider-Man's greatest foe using Peter Parker's house as a base of operations for his latest criminal enterprise and putting the moves on his favorite aunt, but now he's also hogging the bathroom all the time! Pete has to figure out some way to foil Doc Ock's latest scheme without tipping his secret identity... And breaking poor Aunt May's heart...
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  • Rating:ALL AGES
  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960605685903311
  • Page Count:23


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