Marvel Illustrated: The Iliad (2007) #3

Marvel Illustrated: The Iliad (2007) #3

Marvel Illustrated: The Iliad (2007) #3

  • Published

    February 20, 2008

The gods have stepped back from their involvement in the great war on Earth and thus, the Greeks have forced the Trojans back to the very walls of Troy. It is then that the greatest of Trojan warriors, the mighty Hector, can be held back no longer and he challenges any Greek in a struggle to the death to decide the war! Ajax the Greater, mightiest of the Greeks, accepts the challenge and a battle that would rock the ancient world begins! The classic of classics-all for you.
Parental Advisory...$2.99

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  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960605687300311
  • Page Count:25


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