Marvel Adventures the Avengers (2006) #25

Marvel Adventures the Avengers (2006) #25

Marvel Adventures the Avengers (2006) #25

  • Published

    June 18, 2008

You're smart. DARN smart. You're so ahead of the curve, you've had your head removed and let your face be broadcast by a tv screen in your chest. That's not just smart, that's Arnim Zola Smart. And if the Avengers try to go up against that, well you can just switch their minds around so they don't know what to do with themselves. Oh Zola, you make M.O.D.O.C. look like a common street thug!
All Ages ...$2.99

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  • Rating:ALL AGES
  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960605973702511
  • Page Count:24


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