Marvel Adventures Super Heroes (2008) #2

Marvel Adventures Super Heroes (2008) #2

Marvel Adventures Super Heroes (2008) #2

  • Published

    August 27, 2008

Iron Man, Hulk and Spidey rocket into space to stop a potentially devastating meteor shower from reaching Earth, but are surprised to find the meteors are actually Meteor Men, a group of intergalactic frat boys engaging in their most awesomely favorite extreme sport: Planet-Bombing. After negotiations (Could the Hulk quit hitting us, please?) the Meteor Men agree not to bombard Earth IF the heroes show them an equally good time on a variety of other planets, and other extreme sports. Will our heroes survive Albernathean Rhino Riding? How about Kree Karaoke? Or the galaxy's most dangerous extreme sport, Black Hole Bungee Jumping?
All Ages ...$2.99

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  • Rating:ALL AGES
  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960606408300211
  • Page Count:24


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