Iron Age (2011) #1

Iron Age (2011) #1

Iron Age (2011) #1

  • Published

    June 29, 2011

Trapped in the past, Iron Man races the clock to save the future from annihilation. But his past self is in a drunken stupor, and Tony's fellow Avengers, dismiss his story as an alcoholic delusion. The keys to saving Tony's future? Hank Pym...exiled Avenger and one of the Avengers' greatest enemies: Ultron! Christos Gage (AVENGERS ACADEMY) teams with comics legends LEE WEEKS and TOM PALMER - inker of more issues of Avengers than anyone else - to bring you an all-out epic in the mighty Marvel manner! THEN! Tony's next stop is Captain Britain's London, a totalitarian state bent on a new, 'cleaner' future. Rob Williams teams with Ben Oliver (Ms. Marvel) as Iron Man and Captain Britain fight for freedom!

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  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:5960607420-00111
  • FOC Date:June 15, 2011
  • Price:$1.99
  • Page Count:47

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