Round 2 of 2: Ladies and Gentlemen! Tonight's main event! Welcome to the biggest fight night in the history of wrestling! A grudge match between the two biggest brawlers to ever enter the ring! In this corner, weighing in at 245 lbs, from parts unknown, that Dastardly Destroyer, the gold-plated Devil of Disaster-your world champion, El Dorado! And in this corner, his challenger, weighing in at 167 lbs, from Queens, New York, that web-slinging, wall-crawling wonder, the one, the only, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man! Folks, this epic encounter promises to be one for the ages! I want a no-holds barred, no disqualification, anything goes smack-down: biting, kicking, eye-pokes, and groin hits are not only allowed, they're suggested! At stake is not only Spider-Man's life, but the very soul of Round One's adversary, El Muerto! Now let's get ready to RUMBLE!
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