Star Wars: Republic (2002) #53

Star Wars: Republic (2002) #53

Star Wars: Republic (2002) #53

  • Published

    April 30, 2003

An all-Jedi'strike force is assembled for'a secret mission'to infiltrate a Skakoan'Techno Union'base that is supporting the'Separatists. Among those selected for the mission is'Obi-Wan Kenobi, who finds himself teamed with several legendary'Jedi Masters. Surrounded by so many powerful individuals, Obi-Wan feels there is little he can bring to the mission. But when the base turns out to be a trap designed to kill Jedi, Obi-Wan finds himself in a leadership position, fighting for the survival of the team! Jedi powers, Jedi sacrifices, and another surprising confrontation!

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  • Format:Comic
  • Page Count:24


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