Star Wars: Republic (2002) #66

Star Wars: Republic (2002) #66

Star Wars: Republic (2002) #66

  • Published

    June 30, 2004

Four Jedi with prices on their heads versus a space station full of bounty hunters! Really, need we say more? Mace Windu'has decided that it's time for the Jedi to flex their muscles demonstrate to the'Bounty Hunters' Guild'the folly of attacking Jedi. It's going to be'a hard lesson, and one the Guild won't soon forget. Meanwhile, Count'Dooku'sends renegade Jedi'Quinlan Vos'to teach a similar lesson to the person'who originated the'bounties. Is it a case of opposite sides working toward the same end, or are the'Separatists'still one step ahead of the Jedi?

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  • Format:Comic
  • Page Count:23


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