10 Mutant Comics to Read on X-Men Day
Celebrate the Children of the Atom with this mighty Marvel Unlimited reading list!
Face front, mavens of Marvel's merry mutants! Today is #XMenDay, and we're celebrating the only way we know how...with an ever-lovin' list of the most momentous mags in X-Men history!

So lock in to your very own comic book Cerebro, bub, and uncover mutant stories from across the mighty Marvel Multiverse right now with these ten Marvel Unlimited picks!
To me, my X-Men!
The first of a litany of legendary lore in this very list, the DARK PHOENIX SAGA ran from UNCANNY X-MEN #129 through issue #138. And in a tale that changed the Children of the Atom forever, told the unforgettable origin of the Phoenix Force's deadly bond with Jean Grey...
And while you're here, watch Marvel icons Chris Claremont and Louise Simonson chat about the Saga!
Almost immediately following the DARK PHOENIX SAGA was another mythical mutant storyline: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST. Found inside just two issues, UNCANNY X-MEN #141-142, the story sees the team journey into the dystopian future where Sentinels stalk the Earth and the X-Men are humanity's only hope. Until they die.
The new beginning for so much of what Marvelites know and love about the X-Men today, GIANT-SIZE X-MEN #1 revived the mutants for a new era and imbued them with a new spirit. This introductory issue that established new status quos, debuted new characters, and set the Children of the Atom on the road to immortality.
But don't take our word for it—listen to what all-star writer Gerry Duggan has to say about the ish!
In one of Marvel Comics' first forays into graphic novels, this 1982 story by Chris Claremont and Brent Eric Anderson explored and established new ground for the X-Men. With this all-in-one tale, Claremont crafted one of the many landmarks that have cemented him as one of the foremost scribes in the history of the House of Ideas.
And speaking of Claremont landmarks...
X-MEN #1
It's the X-Men vs. Magneto, the Master of Magnetism! In this, one of the best-selling Marvel Comics in history, the X-Men's oldest enemy returns...and it's going to take everyone to bring him down.
This classic issue from Chris Claremont and Jim Lee began a new era for the mutants, propelling them to higher heights than ever before.
This major event sees the underground community of mutants known as the Morlocks get slaughtered by the villainous Marauders at the behest of Mister Sinister. Investigating, the X-Men, X-Factor, and other heroes find themselves locked in a life or death struggle to save the surviving Morlocks from extermination.
Crossing over between UNCANNY X-MEN, X-FACTOR, NEW MUTANTS, and more, this story set the stage for more mighty events, like...
In a twisted version of the world they knew, the X-Men battle against the eternal mutant Apocalypse as Bishop seeks to repair the timeline. Legion, Xavier's own son, attempts to kill off all of Xavier's enemies; however, when Legion attempts to murder Magneto, Xavier sacrifices his own life to save Magnus. As a result, Magneto casts off his anti-human sentiments and carries on Xavier's dream of peaceful co-existence, thereby founding the X-Men.
Get a raucous review of the story from Mister Mark Waid right here!
In 2001, one of the most legendary X-Men creative teams ever joined forces to unleash another new era of mutant mayhem upon the world. Writer Grant Morrison and artist Frank Quitely began the journey with their "E For Extinction" arc, changing the X-Men forever in signature style.
And while we're on the topic of legendary creative teams, let's look back at Joss Whedon and John Cassaday's ASTONISHING X-MEN! The bar continued to be raised with this 2004 ongoing, which captured fan-favorite mutants in classic form.
The series sees Cyclops and Emma Frost re-form the X-Men with the express purpose of astonishing the world. But when breaking news about the mutant gene unexpectedly hits the airwaves, does it derail their new plans before they even get started?
Coming to Marvel Unlimited next week, this brand-new tale kicks off the ten-part "X-Men Disassembled" arc, reshapes the entire X-Men world, and begins the latest era of mighty mutant history with a bang.
Read these comics and more on Marvel Unlimited right now!
A Phoenix will rise, and X-Men will fall, on June 7. Tickets for "Dark Phoenix" are now on-sale: DarkPhoenixTickets.com
Stay tuned to Marvel.com for the latest on all things X-Men, and follow “X-Men Movies” on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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