Published April 9, 2019

16 Reasons to Read 'Immortal Hulk'

In case you didn't know...we're witnessing a modern Marvel classic unfold.

Think you know Bruce Banner?

Current ongoing series IMMORTALK HULK has challenged all we know about the Marvel mainstay with a psycho tug-of-war story between a man and his murderous ego(s). By day, an aloof Banner is calling the shots. By night, the Immortal Hulk’s in charge...a monstrous being that can withstand a spray of bullets or dismemberment. This Hulk can never die. And his deranged deeds live right beneath the surface of Banner’s withering consciousness.

Writer Al Ewing and a team of sensational artists including Joe Bennett, Paul Mounts, Lee Garbett, with Alex Ross on painted covers, deliver a tensely drawn horror that you ought to be reading—under the covers and in the dead of night.

Issues #1-16 are now available on Marvel's Digital Comics Shop or at your local comic shop—so here are 16 reasons, issue by issue, about why you need to start reading this modern Marvel masterpiece right now.

#1: The Moral Mirror

Bruce Banner is killed in a gas station robbery gone awry, giving us our first peek at the Immortal Hulk…

Immortal Hulk

We then get our first taste at this new Hulk’s justice system.

Immortal Hulk

But Bruce Banner isn’t a “bad guy”…right?

Immortal Hulk


Immortal Hulk

#2: New Rules of Gamma

Issue #2 introduces us to the “Walking Ghost” phenomena, a new gamma treatment that grants its recipients immortality…with a side effect of turning you into a glowing sack of bones.

Immortal Hulk

And for Dr. Frye, the man who decided to give this a whirl on his own son…

Immortal Hulk

The Hulk’s got something special in mind for him.

Immortal Hulk

#3: Genre Bending

In an issue told entirely through third-party perspective, we’re presented visual styles from four different artists, depicting eyewitness accounts of the so-called ‘Mercer Avenue attack’…

There’s the Cop.

Immortal Hulk

The Bartender.

Immortal Hulk

The Old Lady.

Immortal Hulk

And the Priest.

Immortal Hulk

Plus, another reference to this mysterious Green Door…

#4: A Mutton-Chopped Sasquatch

Gamma-dosed Alpha Flight member Walter Langkowski joins journalist Jaqueline McGee on her cross-country road trip to find the Hulk.

Immortal Hulk

And would you check out that facial fuzz!

Plus, we learn from Sasquatch that Banner’s predilection for purple pants dates back to college!

Immortal Hulk

Who knew?

#5: This Gamma Slamma

Right at the cusp of his nighttime transformation, Banner decides to convince a now-homicidal Sasquatch into not destroying a hospital.

Immortal Hulk

Which leads us to splash page after splash page of this...

Immortal Hulk

So personal in fact, that the Hulk starts seeing Bruce Banner’s father in every reflection…

Immortal Hulk

And it’s only getting creepier.

#6: Major Guest-Stars

After committing himself to returning ‘home’, Banner travels by cover of night to hitchhike across America…

Immortal Hulk

Where he’s picked up by the Avengers.

Immortal Hulk

#7: Birth of ‘Devil’ Hulk

While the Hulk decimates the Avengers...

Immortal Hulk

Thor realizes that this current jade giant has surpassed the strength of any prior iteration.

Immortal Hulk

So the team has to fry Banner.

Immortal Hulk

#8: This Masterclass in Body Horror

Following last issue’s scrap, the Hulk surrendered to a gamma-testing facility where a way too casual scientist chops and stores his body into tiny pieces…

Immortal Hulk

Seeking to learn the ‘rules’ of the Immortal Hulk, Dr. Clive accidentally reveals a secret that has us saying “Hulk Assemble”!

Immortal Hulk

We’re also treated to this Hulk soup special with a dash of Doc Clive.

Immortal Hulk

#9: Codename: Red Dog

Cranking up the dial to 10, a shadowy organization called...uhh...Shadow Base exposes the Absorbing Man to a “Hulk plug-in” serum that will level his strength against the Hulk. But first, they have Carl Creel test it out on Derek!

Immortal Hulk

Read this issue to learn his fate...

As "Red Dog," the former Absorbing Man is unleashed to drain the Hulk of his gamma-induced strength. Not only do we get these gorgeous sequences from artist Martin Simmonds…

Immortal Hulk

We get an inside peek at Red Dog’s feverish nightmare when he hosts the Hulk’s power.

Immortal Hulk

#10: The Green Door

An eviscerated Creel has us saying “sorry” too…

Immortal Hulk

Even though Puck secures a few gut shots, the Hulk stays fixated on that one recurring theme…

Immortal Hulk

Turns out, the “Green Door” isn’t the title of a '70s alt-rock album; it’s actually a gateway to some new occultist horror.

Immortal Hulk

#11: Hulk’s Visit to Hell

Hulk and Jaqueline McGee enter an inferno-esque landscape that seems to be projected straight from Banner’s mind…

Immortal Hulk

How does booking for Hotel Hell work?

The incredible duo, artist Joe Bennett and colorist Paul Mounts, take us to the darkest corners of Banner’s psyche.

Immortal Hulk

#12: A Lesson in Psychoanalysis

One of the most thrilling things about this series is seeing Ewing peel back the layers of a guy as complex as Banner. With issue #12, we get our first glimpse at alter-ego “Hurting Hulk”.

Immortal Hulk

Turns out, there’s an explanation as to why these different Hulks keep showing up. Al Ewing does a noteworthy job at folding in these psychological elements.

Immortal Hulk

#13: The Gamma People

While in Hell, Hulk confronts the Gamma People—an army of irradiated hatemongers that would give Hieronymus Bosch the chills…

Immortal Hulk

Thankfully, Hulk has an underworld ally who’s not at all terrifying...

Immortal Hulk

Kidding. There are images in this issue that will stick with you for a while.

Immortal Hulk

Like this one.

#14: Guest Artist Kyle Hotz

Hotz lends a moody atmosphere in the issue that sees Bruce finally reunite with…SPOILER!

Immortal Hulk

All we can tell you is that someone has died, and Hotz completely leans into the Gothic in Ewing’s script.

Immortal Hulk

Issue #14 has a visual style unlike any other in the series thus far, and it scores one of the most tragic chapters in Banner’s life yet (and that’s saying something).

#15: Doc Samson

Everyone’s favorite green-haired goliath shrink is back!

Immortal Hulk

Is a call from beyond the grave long distance?

Doc Samson’s return is a much-needed breath of fresh air, and we get the sense that he may hone in on answers about Bruce’s identities…

Immortal Hulk

Once the Hulk’s brain grows back.

#16: An Entirely New Hulk

If we haven’t driven it home enough, IMMORTAL HULK enters uncharted territory in 50+ years of Hulk comics.

Immortal Hulk

I mean, could the old Banner do that?

This creative team delivers equal parts personality study, equal parts super-powered zombie chiller.

Immortal Hulk

But could it be that the only being that can kill the Immortal Hulk…is Bruce Banner himself?

Immortal Hulk

Want a full taste of this heady horror? Visit the Digital Comics Shop to grab the IMMORTAL HULK series for more than 60% off! The sale ends today at 11 PM ET, so pick it up now!



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