Published January 18, 2022

Captain America Demands Answers From The Eternals As Judgment Day Approaches

Kieron Gillen and Guiu Villanova pit the Eternals against the Avengers this April

Over the last year, writer Kieron Gillen and artist Esad Ribić have revolutionized the Eternals mythology in their acclaimed run on ETERNALS. Long-hidden truths about the nature of these god-like beings have been revealed, forever changing their role in the Marvel Universe, and this year, the Eternals will have brand-new enemies to contend with—THE AVENGERS!

The Avengers are done with secrets and demand the Eternals explain themselves! But the Eternals have other plans, as Ajak has made contact with her Celestial god! But will she receive the answers she’s been searching for?

Check out the cover below showing Captain America clashing with Kingo! And don’t miss the lead-in to the biggest Marvel Comics storyline of 2022 when ETERNALS #10 hits stands on March 9 and ETERNALS #11 hits stands on April 13.

Eternals #11

Cover by ESAD RIBIC 

On Sale 4/13




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