Published October 2, 2019

NYCC 2019: Coming Next Year, 'Star Wars' #1 and 'Darth Vader' #1

Starting in January, enter a new era in a galaxy far, far away....

The current run of STAR WARS is set to end in December with the explosive finale, STAR WARS: EMPIRE ASCENDANT, leading readers directly into the events of The Empire Strikes Back.

But this January, the Rebel fleet fights on in a thrilling new series with Charles Soule and Jesus Saiz’s STAR WARS #1!

STAR WARS #1 cover by R.B. Silva
STAR WARS #1 cover by R.B. Silva

Just announced at New York Comic Con, the series will explore new territory as it chronicles events set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, expanding the Star Wars mythos in a surprising and exciting way!

In the wake of The Empire Strikes Back, it is a dark time for the heroes of the Rebellion. The Rebel fleet…scattered following a disastrous defeat at the Battle of Hoth. Han Solo…lost to the bounty hunter, Boba Fett, after being frozen in carbonite. And after being lured into a trap on Cloud City and bested in a vicious lightsaber duel against the evil Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker…learned the horrible truth about his noble Jedi lineage.

Now, after narrowly escaping the Dark Lord’s clutches, wounded and reeling from the revelation, Luke joins Princess Leia, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, and the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 to fight their way back to the Rebel Alliance. But what Leia, Luke, and their ragtag band of freedom fighters don't that they have only traded one Imperial trap for another! Enter the cunning and vengeful Imperial Commander Zahra, at the helm of the Tarkin’s Will!

The greatest space adventure of all time continues this January!


“Join me, and together, we can rule the galaxy as father and son!”

In the shattering climax of The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader infamously reveals his true relationship to Luke Skywalker and invites his son to rule the galaxy at his side. But Luke refuses—plunging into the abyss beneath Cloud City rather than turning to the Dark Side.

We all remember Luke's utter horror in this life-altering moment. But what about Vader? In this new epic chapter in the Darth Vader saga, the dark lord grapples with Luke's unthinkable refusal and embarks on a bloody mission of rage-filled revenge against everything and everyone who had a hand in hiding and corrupting his only son. But even as he uncovers the secrets of Luke's origins, Vader must face shocking new challenges from his own dark past.

This February, writer Greg Pak, artist Raffaele Ienco, and cover artist InHyuk Lee unleash the Dark Lord on his quest of vengeance and discovery with DARTH VADER #1!

Stay tuned to for more live updates from the convention!



March 5's New Marvel Comics: The Full List

Visit Yancy Street with the Thing, meet some new Spider-Verse characters, pursue Professor X with the X-Men, and more in this week's new comics!


February 26's New Marvel Comics: The Full List

Revolt with Red Hulk, face Kraven with Ultimate Spider-Man, celebrate the Women of Marvel, and more in this week's comics!


February 19's New Marvel Comics: The Full List

Sign up for classes at Doom Academy, tear Doom's Empire apart with Bucky Barnes, put Ultimate Wolverine to the test, and more in this week's comics!


February 5's New Marvel Comics: The Full List

Meet Ultimate Luke Cage, face Thanos with Phoenix, see Black Cat take on the Avengers, and more in this week's comics!