Published May 3, 2021

Marvel Comics Remembers John Paul Leon

The Marvel family pays tribute to a treasured artist.

John Paul Leon was a unique talent, a prolific artist, and a cherished collaborator.

Having started his professional career as he attended the School of Visual Arts in New York City, “JP” Leon graduated to the Marvel Universe. He began his work at the House of Ideas in the mid-1990s, and would go on to contribute memorable stories in LOGAN: PATH OF THE WARLORD, FURTHER ADVENTURES OF CYCLOPS & PHOENIX, DAREDEVIL, and BLACK WIDOW.

EARTH X by John Paul Leon
EARTH X by John Paul Leon

In addition to his standard-bearing, distinctive work at DC Comics, Dark Horse, and across the comics industry, JP made Marvel history in 1999 as he joined Alex Ross, Jim Krueger, and Doug Braithwaite to craft EARTH X. A superlative achievement, the intricate tapestry of EARTH X—woven by John Paul Leon—has lived, and will continue to live, long in the memory of comic book readers everywhere.

“John Paul Leon was truly a unique talent, admired and envied by all of us in the industry for his ability to convey the complexities of the world with a distilled simplicity of line and mastery of the craft that few can ever hope to achieve,” shared Joe Quesada, Marvel Entertainment EVP Creative Director. “He’s passed much too soon, leaving us to wonder what further heights he would have achieved, but thankful for the work he’s left behind that will inspire generations of artists to come. Our hearts at Marvel go out to his family, loved ones, friends, and fans.”

From his early days as a student and artistic prodigy, to his masterful work at Marvel Comics and beyond, John Paul Leon will always be remembered. As we read his stories, we know that—like ink on a page—his life and work is indelible.

The Art of John Paul Leon