Published May 4, 2023

Miles Morales & Carnage's Most Brutal Fights So Far

As Miles Morales and Carnage gear up for their most brutal battle yet in 'Carnage Reigns,' revisit the previous times they've faced off against each other.

Because of their mutual connection to Peter Parker, Miles Morales and serial killer Cletus Kasady, AKA Carnage, have long circled each other. However, in their recent history, the two have clashed more and more often. Acting as the helpful hero Spider-Man, Morales has fought alongside a number of veteran Super Heroes and web-slingers to fend off the Red Dread, even to the point of becoming possessed by it himself—but he has always made it through the maws of the beast, thanks to some help from his friends. 

Now, in the MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN/CARNAGE crossover CARNAGE REIGNS, Morales finds himself going up against Kasady—one of the strongest foes he's ever faced—on his own. With Carnage's Extrembiote putting him in top form and Spider-Man already laid low by Rabble's attack on his family, Morales must rise to the challenge to keep New York City safe. But before his most brutal struggle yet, let's take a look at Morales' past battles with Carnage.

Miles & Silk vs. Red Goblin

THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (2017) #799 by Dan Slott, Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger, and Marte Gracia features one of Miles Morales' earliest encounters with Carnage—the symbiote, not the man. Alongside Cindy Moon, AKA Silk, Morales faced Norman Osborn, who had recently bonded with the Carnage symbiote and become the Red Goblin. With Peter Parker injured, the two web-slingers set out to protect his family and friends from Osborn. 

However, the pair ignored Parker's orders to stand down and swung in to stop Orborn when he attacked a bus terminal, seeking revenge on his family while attempting to infect his grandson, Normie, with his symbiote. Even between two of them, Red Goblin made quick work of Spider-Man and Silk, mortally wounding them both. Thankfully, Agent Anti-Venom arrived to heal them, but even he didn't last long against the Red Goblin.

Absolute Carnage

Miles Morales' biggest Carnage confrontation took place in ABSOLUTE CARNAGE (2019) #2 by Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer, and Frank Martin, as well as ABSOLUTE CARNAGE: MILES MORALES (2019) #1 by Saladin Ahmed, Federico Vicentini, and Erick Arciniega. When the bloody ABSOLUTE CARNAGE saga kicked off, Morales was tangling with the Scorpion, but their fight suddenly took a dark turn when the streets were flooded with Carnage's four-armed symbiote minions, which came spilling out of the nearby Ravencroft Institute.

Morales and Scorpion called a temporary truce so they could both escape, but predictably, the Super Villain soon turned on him and fled—or he tried to, anyway. Before he could get away, Venom swooped in to throw Scorpion back into the fray and saved Morales. However, at that exact moment, Carnage arrived and grabbed him, snapping Scorpion's spine in an attempt to get the codex left inside him by the Venom symbiote. 

Fortunately, Morales stopped Carnage before that could happen, allowing Venom to get Scorpion to safety. Unfortunately, this meant Morales got left behind, and he was quickly overwhelmed by Carnage's monsters and assimilated into his symbiote hive mind—an experience that scars him to this day.


When the Patternmaker, Keeper of the Web of Life and Destiny, went missing, the Web became corrupted, unleashing mayhem across the Spider-Verse. To fix it, the nomadic Spider-Zero recruited Miles Morales to journey through the Spider-Verse and find the Patternmaker so she might undo the damage. 

In SPIDER-VERSE (2019) #2 by Ryan North, Pere PerezJordi Tarragona Garcia, and Marte Gracia, this mission took Morales to an Earth where Aunt May became the idealistic Spider-Ma'am. There, they were attacked by a nihilistic version of her that had bonded to the Carnage symbiote, who was flanked by evil, web-slinging versions of Peter Parker and Uncle Ben.

Fittingly, when Morales joined the fight, an evil version of him hopped dimensions to join Aunt Carnage's side. Despite this, the good guys easily took out the bad guys, thanks in part to Miles’ Venom Blast. With the help of Aunt Mays from across the Multiverse, all acting on their feelings for their families, Morales and the Parkers managed to open a portal back to the villains’ world, sending them packing with the power of love.

Carnage Reigns

Miles Morales' latest scuffle with Carnage comes in CARNAGE REIGNS ALPHA (2023) #1 by Alex Paknadel, Cody Ziglar, Julius Ohta, and Erick Arciniega—and for the first time, it's just him and Carnage. After swinging in to help end a hostage situation in Brooklyn, Morales discovered that the perpetrator was none other than Cletus Kasady, decked out in a brand-new symbiote suit: the Extrembiote.

A combination of Stark Tech, the Grendel symbiote dragon, and the Extremis virus, the Extrembiote allows Kasady to be everywhere all at once. In fact, the building that the hostages were in actually was Kasady. As a result, Kasady felt Miles sneak in despite his camouflage ability and kicked off an attack right away. To toy with him, Cletus caught Miles off guard by forming a perfectly normal diner, complete with food and patrons, before launching his onslaught, which ended with teeth lodged in Spider-Man’s shoulder.

Sticking to his mission, a battered Morales resolved to escape with the last living hostage...only to learn that hostage was actually Kasady in disguise. Miles no longer had the strength to fight, but before Carnage could land the final blow, Scorpion dropped in to knock the killer away, giving Morales an opening to unleash a massive Venom Blast into the heart of Kasady's suit. 

However, the blast caused the Extrembiote's Arc Reactor to go wild, resulting in a massive explosion that consumed all three men. While this surely won't be Morales' last time facing Carnage, there's no telling what Kasady has in store for Brookyln’s very own Web-Slinger…

Catch Carnage and Miles Morales' most brutal fight yet in CARNAGE REIGNS ALPHA #1, on sale now!

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