A New Villain Supercharges 'Miles Morales: Spider-Man' in New Era and Brings Spider-Man to His Breaking Point
Meet Rabble, debuting in the pages of Cody Ziglar and Federico Vicentini's new run of 'Miles Morales: Spider-Man,' starting on December 7!
Kicking off in December, MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN’s new series will be defined by a dangerous new foe… In this highly-anticipated new run, writer Cody Ziglar and newly christened Marvel’s Stormbreaker artist Federico Vicentini don’t plan to pull any punches when it comes to putting Miles Morales through the ringer, and the hero’s biggest defeat will come at the hands of Rabble! The tech-genius will use an army of drones and deadly never-before-seen gadgetry to upgrade Miles’ rogues gallery like never before. Relentlessly seeking to settle a long-brewing personal agenda against Miles, the mysterious villain is set to destroy every aspect of Miles’ life from his friends to his family. And that’s only step one of her plan… What’s at the root of her deep hatred of Spider-Man?
Fans will get their first hints about Rabble in MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN #1 but will have to wait until January’s MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN #2 to witness her full fury. In the meantime, check out her look in two variant covers for MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN #2, a piece by Jonboy Meyers and a Design Variant Cover by Federico Vicentini. Plus get a glimpse at her brutal takedown of Miles on the main cover of February’s MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN #3.

“It's fantastic to work on this new character,” Vicentini said. “I was given total freedom of creation. Based on Cody's description and on his notes, I had a clear idea of how I wanted to portray the armor; it had to be something rough, but resistant and ingenious at the same time. And thanks also to the drones, Rabble's gonna rock! Brace yourself, Miles!”
For years, she’s schemed in the shadows…now Rabble is finally ready to unleash an assault on everything and everyone Miles Morales loves. Don’t miss the first strike in the battle that’s going to shatter Spidey’s Super Hero career when MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN begins in December.
Written by CODY ZIGLAR
Cover by DIKE RUAN
On Sale 12/7
Written by CODY ZIGLAR
Cover by DIKE RUAN
Design Variant Cover by FEDERICO VICENTINI
Variant Cover by JONBOY MEYERS
On Sale 1/11
Written by CODY ZIGLAR
Cover by DIKE RUAN
On Sale 2/1
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