Published October 8, 2020

NYCC Metaverse: Look Into the Future with the Marvel Comics 'X of Swords' Panel

Get the inside scoop on everything on the way in the mighty mutant crossover!

This fall, ten X-Men rise, swords in hand, to defend the mutant nation of Krakoa from mysterious new enemies in X OF SWORDS!

To glean a few insights, sneak peeks, and secrets about the ongoing crossover event, join host Angélique Roché and an X-traordinary lineup of the finest creators weaving this bold new tale—including senior editor Jordan D. White and writers Tini Howard, Gerry Duggan, Benjamin Percy and Vita Ayala—right here and now for the X OF SWORDS panel at New York Comic Con x MCM Metaverse

X OF SWORDS began with the opening chapter just a couple of weeks ago in X OF SWORDS: CREATION #1. Continuing in X-FACTOR #4, WOLVERINE #6, X-FORCE #13, MARAUDERS #13—and speeding along in this week's HELLIONS, NEW MUTANTS, and CABLE—the X-Men crossover is reaching a fever pitch at your local comic shop right now!

Inside the panel, X-editor Jordan primes the world for the crossover, then each creator reveals new information about the story to come. "It all grows out of seeds Jonathan [Hickman] planted in HOUSE OF X and POWERS OF X," begins White, "and then that dovetailed with stuff that Tini was doing in EXCALIBUR, and it grew into something enormous and awesome."

"Everything that is X OF SWORDS came out of when I realized I wanted to tell a story about Apocalypse," adds Howard, "and Jonathan was like, 'Oh that fits in with stuff I want to do with Apocalypse!' I think a lot of writers in a lot of rooms would be like, 'Okay, Tini, so pick something else,' and that wasn't the case at all... It happens all the time, because we're all just doing what we want to do, and because we are all friends who have similar sensibilities—and different sensibilities—that bounce off of each other."

"Even though there are world-ending stakes to this event, to this crossover, one of the great things about it is that it is additive," notes Percy. "We're not only threatening to tear everything down, but we're building things up. And the X-Men toy box just got that much bigger."

What else does the group have to say? What are they technically not supposed to say, but do anyway!? Watched the X-office break down the series in the NYCC Metaverse panel above to find out, then use this handy X OF SWORDS checklist to make sure you're caught up with the series ASAP!

X of Swords checklist

For more details about New York Comic Con x MCM Metaverse, including the full schedule, guest list, and merch, visit! And for the latest on Marvel at NYCC Metaverse, stay tuned to all week!



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