Published May 18, 2020

Who Are the New Agents of Atlas?

Learn all about this science-meets-magic team with our breakdown on each member!


Jimmy Woo. Silk. Brawn. Shang-Chi. Luna Snow. Crescent. Sword Master. Aero. Wave. White Fox.

Decades ago, a team of FBI agents uncovered that their leader, Jimmy Woo, had inherited an ancient underground empire called the Atlas Foundation, a worldwide syndicate dedicated to using its influence for good. During the events of WAR OF THE REALMS, Jimmy dusted off his dossier of super-powered people to assemble an all-new Agents of Atlas under this foundation, a globe-spanning team comprised of the newest, and most remarkable, heroes in the Marvel Universe. Their goal was simple: to defend and protect the Pacific Rim from Sindr, Immortal Queen of Muspelheim.

Start with the formation of the Agents in WAR OF THE REALMS: NEW AGENTS OF ATLAS (or try the event in full), to see how the team fared against the feverish firestorms that threatened to engulf half the world in flames. Following that, you’ll be ready to kick off AGENTS OF ATLAS (2019). This five-issue limited series by creators Greg Pak, Nico Leon, Carlo Pagulayan, Jung-Geun Yoon, Dono Sanchez-​Almara, Federico Blee, and Pop Mhan, will wrap in Marvel Unlimited on June 22. The run covers the team’s defense of a cross-Asian portal city called Pan, a technological dreamworld that is as dangerous as it is visionary.

Time to meet the team.


Jimmy Woo

The name’s Woo. Jimmy Woo. Having worked on clandestine missions for the FBI and S.H.I.E.L.D., Woo is considered Marvel’s premiere secret agent and has the intel to boot. While the commander of the Agents of Atlas, Woo has left field leadership in Brawn’s capable hands.

Try Jimmy’s defining run with his original crew in AGENTS OF ATLAS (2006).


Amadeus Cho_Brawn

The field commander.

Twenty-year-old genius Amadeus Cho has not only adventured alongside heroes like the Hulk and Hercules, but has become one himself. He has used the monikers Mastermind Excello, Prince of Power, and the Totally Awesome Hulk, but no matter what name he’s using, Cho has always been determined to use his powers, and his mind, for good.

Read his titular series as a Hulk in 2015’s TOTALLY AWESOME HULK, written by character co-creator Greg Pak.



Cindy Moon may have spent the first half of her life in a bunker, but she’s more than making up for lost time as the super-powered Silk.

Bitten by the same radioactive spider that gave Peter Parker his abilities, young Cindy was at first terrified by her newfound spider-powers, and was sequestered away for a considerable amount of time by magnate Ezekiel Sims. Over the course of her imprisonment, Cindy was denied of family, friends, and any shot at a normal life, although she did extensively train to become the hero she is today.

Start with her intro issue and continue with solo series SILK (2015), SILK (2021), and SILK (2022) to follow her quest to find her family.


The origin of Marvel's greatest fighter.

AKA Marvel's undisputed greatest fighter. A martial artist of perfect execution, Shang-Chi has risen above his father’s criminal legacy to become a defender of justice. He often teams with fellow Marvel heroes, but is a force to be reckoned with on his own.

Try one-shot adventure MASTER OF KUNG FU (2017) #126. It’s a fun little snippet of his “day off,” but of course Shang-Chi becomes a pinch hitter in a minute. We also like 2006’s HEROES FOR HIRE series since it showcases his immense prowess against a variety of threats. For his current origin, start with SHANG-CHI (2020) and witness him take on the Marvel Universe as the leader of the Five Weapons Society in SHANG-CHI (2021).


Luna Snow

As a South Korean pop sensation, Seol Hee melts her fans’ hearts… and as Luna Snow she freezes her enemies! Luna is an immensely talented young woman who bounces between being an international K-pop star while battling evil as a Super Hero.

If you want to learn how she gained her powers, and her connection to Stark Industries, we recommend her MARVEL Future Fight one-shot, based off her appearance in the mobile game.



Another addition from the world of MARVEL Future Fight! Dan Bi is a young girl from South Korea who shares a bond with ancient mystical bear spirit, Io. When their powers work in concert, Crescent and Io are an unstoppable duo of vast strength and occult magic. From Taekwondo-loving kid, to the wearer of an enchanted mask, young Crescent has had an incredible journey.

You can read it all in her very own one-shot, FUTURE FIGHT FIRSTS: CRESCENT AND IO (2019) #1.


Sword Master

Shanghai native Lin Lie tore through Fire Goblins in WAR OF THE REALMS with his big magic sword! Now, you can read his mysterious origins. Lin Lie has long been plagued by dreams of demons, stemming back to the disappearance of his archeologist father—and the secret of the black sword he left behind.

Start with Sword Master’s titular series, SWORD MASTER (2019), also featuring Shang-Chi. What happens when an undisciplined, untrained kid with a magic sword tangles with the one and only master of martial arts? 



Balancing her career as an architect with life as a hero that can control the wind, Aero uses her powers to defend her beloved home of Shanghai! Whether fighting off animate skyscraper monsters, or defending her home country alongside the Agents of Atlas, Lei Ling is a consummate professional. Read the English language debut of this Shanghaiese Super Hero in AERO (2019), created for Marvel by Zhou Liefen and Keng.



Filipina Pearl Pangan showed off a great deal of a potential as a swimmer, until her path to the Olympics was disrupted by the company AlonTech. Instead of becoming a competitive athlete, Wave was tricked into participating in the company’s science experiments, granting her the ability to manipulate all forms of water. Now, she is a competitive Super Hero, often pairing with Aero since their elemental power sets are complimentary. She also draws strength from her lolo, or grandfather, an important staple in her support system.

[RELATEDWriter Alyssa Wong on Welcoming Aero and Wave to the Marvel Universe]


White Fox

Ami Han is White Fox, last of the mystical shapeshifting Kumiho, a superspy, an Agent of Atlas, and a proud leader of South Korea’s super-powered response team Tiger Division. After her mother was murdered, Ami forged her own path fighting injustice on a global scale, and has even stepped into a detective's role in her solo Infinity Comics series where she saves Seoul's supernatural community from an underground threat.

But who was she before she became White Fox? And what happened to the rest of the kumiho? Gain those answers and more in her MARVEL Future Fight one-shot, a revelatory origin issue.

[RELATEDWhite Fox Becomes a Supernatural Detective in Her New Infinity Series]


Download the Marvel Unlimited app for iOS or Android devices now for more stories starring  Shang-Chi, Jimmy Woo, and the present-day Agents of Atlas. You’ll also gain instant access to 29,000+ digital comics with new titles available as early as three months after they’re in stores.

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