Published March 22, 2021

Spider-Man, Black Cat, and the Hulk Take on the ‘King in Black’

Read about this week’s new comics on Marvel Unlimited, including tie-in issues to the Venom mega-event.

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Venom mega-event KING IN BLACK pulls in Spider-Man, Black Cat, and the Immortal Hulk this week on Marvel Unlimited! Read the next chapters from the cross-title event that spins directly out of creators Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman’s epic run on the Lethal Protector. 

The Abyss Made Flesh. The Destroyer of Stars. The God of Symbiotes. Knull is here, and this time he’s brought an army. The Avengers and the X-Men were pulled into the fray with KING IN BLACK #1, but this week the battle strikes closer to home for Felicia Hardy and a symbiote-bonded Spider-Man!

Read about this week’s KING IN BLACK tie-ins below, and see what other new titles hit MU this week!



Spider-Man and the Black Knight must team up to topple to an otherworldly plot that threatens to turn every living thing in the known universe into creatures made of living shadow!

Symbiote Spider-Man versus Black Knight.
Symbiote Spider-Man versus Black Knight.


A twisty, turn-y silent issue by artists Aaron Kuder, Frank Martin, and writer Al Ewing!

The Hulk is in a bad place. Half of his alters are dead or missing—including Bruce Banner—and the Leader’s got the rest of him on the ropes. But never let it be said that Joe Fixit doesn’t know how to have a good time—and he’s out to make sure this is the best holiday the Hulk’s ever had. He just has to fight his way through a planet of symbiotes first.

A symbiote traces Bruce Banner!

BLACK CAT (2020) #1

In a fresh debut from creators Jed MacKay and artists Nina Vakueva and C.F. Villa, the Cat (and her crew) comes back to steal Doctor Strange. Or, at least guest-star with him. The burglarizing Black Cat is now in the thick of Knull’s Manhattan takeover, fighting side-by-side Storm, Captain America, and yes, the Sorcerer Supreme! Felicia Hardy gets ready to steal something of great value to both Knull and Earth’s hope of survival. Hang on tight.

Black Cat with a plan.

Start reading KING IN BLACK today, or brush up on the comics history of Knull before diving into issue #1 and this week’s additions!


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