Published November 14, 2019

Tales from the Backlists: 11/14

Dive into the Marvel Unlimited archives with our #TBT spotlight!

Digital comics library Marvel Unlimited is your all-access pass to Marvel Comics, with an array of classic and recent issues added weekly and as early as six months after they’re in stores! With an award-winning archive of 25,000+ issues and growing, we know it might be tough to uncover new reading for your digital long box.

That’s why the Marvel Unlimited Editors have you covered with our favorite series, Hidden Gems and must-read arcs from our classic catalog, all available to read NOW!

This week, break out the Katanas and arm your pouches to the teeth, cause we’re prepping you for Deadpool’s upcoming new ongoing with the morally murky mercenary’s first ever series! Yes, we’re dusting off our early 90s stacks with Deadpool: The Circle Chase (1993) by Fabian Nicieza and Joe Madureira!

Circle Chase #1

After a memorable first appearance and spattering of cameos in Cable’s X-Force, Wade Wilson gets his leading man credit in this all-guns-in, arms race.


Here’s the set up. 2,000-year-old time traveler and adopted son of Cable Tyler Dayspring, (AKA weapons dealer “Mister Tolliver”, AKA “Genesis”), is believed dead following a helicopter crash. “Tolliver’s Will”, a bequeathment of billions with the added bonus of an “Ultimate Super Weapon”, is up for grabs. Every X-themed merc or cyborg from Black Tom Cassidy, Juggernaut… to uh, Commcast, slash and slice their competition as part of Tolliver’s “to the victors go the spoils” arrangement. And naturally, Deadpool’s in the pot.

Commcast. He walks into punchlines.

Amid blazing splash pages, monastic melees and remarkable sound effects…

SFX: When the plane’s bathroom implodes.

We’re treated to a quickly paced free-for-all that quickly dissolves into a more personal mission for Wade Wilson. See, following her reveal as a doppelgänger Domino and subsequent dismissal from X-Force, Copycat, Deadpool’s “it’s complicated” colleague, has also caught wind of Tolliver’s game and may be afoot in Sarajevo. So, the Mouthy One isn’t just after Tolliver’s bounty, he also wants to save/possibly kill(?) his ex! But Weapon X Super-Agent Kane butts in to tell Wade it’s “straight talk o’clock”…

This is Kane. He looks like Cable, acts like Cable, but is definitely NOT Cable.

After a delightfully trope-y “we were allies all along” kerfuffle, Kane and Deadpool cast aside their cyber weapons to focus on what’s truly important…


The other “bionic punks” that are not only out to claim Tolliver’s weapon of the future…

Black Tom Cassidy
Like Black Tom Cassidy 2.0.

But possibly the life of Deadpool’s love, Copycat.


Want to read what happens next? Subscribe to Marvel Unlimited to read these issues—and over 25,000 more—right now!



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