The Despicable Deadpool Gets Ready to Kill Cable
Scott Koblish on the Merc with a Mouth offing his pseudo-buddy.
On December 13, Deadpool kills Cable. Seriously, we’re talking end of the road, kick the bucket, lights out kind of dead. Sure, Stryfe made him do it, but can you really make Deadpool do something he doesn’t want to? Tune in to find out as writer Gerry Duggan, alongside artist Scott Koblish, reveal all in DESPICABLE DEADPOOL #290.
But wait, this tale packs more than just bestie drama, “I loved when the Dinosaurs poured out and attacked. I love Dinosaurs,” teases Koblish. First off, can you give us the run down on what’s going on in #290?
Scott Koblish: Man, I don’t know if I CAN say what happens in this issue! Gerry, Nick, Joe, Jordan, Annalise, Heather and I worked really hard on this book, and while there are some really intense scenes in this arc, this issue is a particular peak. It’s not called the DESPICABLE DEADPOOL for nothin’. Deadpool seems to jump back and forth across the line separating the morally good and bad. Murdering his buddy is safe to say a bad side move, so how is he dealing with this? Any justification for his actions?
Scott Koblish: You’ll have to make up your own mind if he’s justified in his actions. Wade has to make some really difficult decisions to be made over the next few issues, and even just as reader I am pretty shocked at where Gerry is going with this. How would you describe Deadpool and Cable’s relationship?
Scott Koblish: Homicidal. What are your 2 or 3 all-time favorite Deadpool and Cable moments, the highest points in their relationship?
Scott Koblish: Each interaction is severely complicated – if I had to pick favorites, I’d say their initial meeting in NEW MUTANTS and killing Hitler. What 2 or 3 moments across their relationship stick out to you as particularly gut wrenching, their lowest friendship moments?
Scott Koblish: I kinda feel like it’s NEVER been a good relationship. How is the tone of the book translated in the art?
Scott Koblish: I’ve been working really hard at trying to make the book look as gritty and disturbing – this particular story demanded a rough touch in the art. Any twists or surprises heading our way that you want to tease?
Scott Koblish: No, too much relies on surprise right now. Mum’s the word. What can we expect for Deadpool moving forward?
Scott Koblish: Awful, awful things.
Catch the final downfall of Deadpool and Cable in DESPICABLE DEADPOOL #290 by writer Gerry Duggan and artist Scott Koblish when it hits shelves on December 13.