The History of Spider-Man: 1996
Ben Reilly takes over as Spider-Man, battling Carnage, Hobgoblin, Lizard, and more.

For over 50 years, Spider-Man has been a sensational standout in the Marvel Universe and the web-slinger swung onto the silver screen once more in 2017’s “Spider-Man: Homecoming” and will do so again in Marvel Studios’ “Avengers: Infinity War” in 2018! In celebration of his memorable history, we present Spidey’s spectacular step-by-step story…
With Spider-Man in his past, Peter Parker moved to Portland, Oregon, only to encounter the threat called Tendril in SPIDER-MAN: THE FINAL ADVENTURE #1-4. Meanwhile, the new official Spider-Man, Ben Reilly, took a job in a coffee shop in SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN #0 to make ends meet, while Mysterio planned a comeback. Later, Spidey battled Sandman in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #407, the deadly Poison returned in SPIDER-MAN #64, and a couple of eco-terrorists stirred the pot in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #230.
After a hair-raising adventure with the Black Cat in SPIDER-MAN UNLIMITED #11, Ben discovered Mysterio’s new cable network in SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN #1, took the fight to the master of mysteries in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #408, and won the day in SPIDER-MAN #65. Peter Parker’s other clone Kaine found himself resurrected in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #231, held off an attack by the Rhino in SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN #2, and joined a cadre of villains against Spider-Man in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #409, knowing that the wallcrawler must die for him to continue to live in SPIDER-MAN #66.
Ben and Peter heard of a skeleton found in a smokestack in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #232, the Burglar’s daughter, Jessica Carradine, entered Ben’s life in SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN #3, Carnage returned for a rampage in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #410, and the symbiote chose the new webslinger as a host in SPIDER-MAN #67. Spider-Carnage ran amuck in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #233 until Ben resisted the creature’s influence.
Jessica learned Spidey’s secret identity in SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN #4, and Ben and Peter buried the mystery skeleton in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #411. The wallcrawler faced a new and improved Hobgoblin in SPIDER-MAN #68, fell under his assault in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #234, and turned the tables on the criminal in SPIDER-MAN #69. Ben also beat a murder rap in SPIDER-MAN UNLIMITED #12, and witnessed the latest return of the Molten Man in SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN #5.
Questions concerning a corporation called Multivex attracted Spidey’s curiosity in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #412, Mysterio shrunk him down to bug-size in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #413, and the deadly Delilah brought new dangers in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #414. Hammerhead vied with Don Fortunato for the Kingpin’s criminal empire in SPIDER-MAN #70, and wound up in the same hospital as a very ill Peter in SPIDER-MAN #41. The Will o’ the Wisp reappeared in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #235 to aid the webslinger versus Dragon Man in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #236.
Jessica Carradine became even more conflicted over Ben in SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN #6, Ben believed Peter’s sickness stemmed from clone degeneration in SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN #7, and the Looter stole high-tech super villain weaponry to use for himself in SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN #8. During the Onslaught event, Spidey clashed with Sentinels in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #415 and SPIDER-MAN #72, then pondered a world without its heroes in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #416.
Peter’s condition worsened in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #237, a more monstrous Lizard tore up the landscape in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #238, and the original Lizard arrived in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #239 to put an end to it all. The webslinger teamed up with Luke Cage and Iron Fist in SPIDER-MAN UNLIMITED #13, mixed it up with Swarm in SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN #9 and SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN #10, and once again landed in the middle of battling crimelords in SPIDER-MAN #73 and SPIDER-MAN #74.
Recovered from his sickness, Peter donned a spare mask to help Ben versus the Host in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #417, put his head together with his double for a serious talk in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #240, and stood up against Gaunt while Mary Jane went into unexpected labor in SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN #11. While the two heroes battled Gaunt, the baby sadly arrived stillborn in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #418, and Peter faced the real culprit behind all of his and Ben’s misery, the long thought dead Norman Osborn, in SPIDER-MAN #75. In that debacle, Peter once more took on the role of Spider-Man when Ben lost his life to Osborn’s treachery.
Later, Peter and Mary Jane dealt with not only the loss of Ben but also their child in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #241 while the Chameleon waited offstage to reveal his next scheme.
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