Published February 8, 2018

The History of Spider-Man: 1999

Peter Parker ends the millennium with a bang!

Image for The History of Spider-Man: 1999

For over 50 years, Spider-Man has been a sensational standout in the Marvel Universe and the web-slinger will swing onto the silver screen once again in Marvel Studios’ “Avengers: Infinity War” this May! In celebration of his memorable history, we present Spidey’s spectacular step-by-step story…

1999 was a big year for Peter Parker! It all started with a couple of new #1s…

The hero kicked off the last year of the millennium still uncertain about donning his Spider-Man costume, but scored a new job at the Tri Corp Research Foundation in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #1 and witnessed the arrival of a strange new Spidey on the scene in PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN #1.

Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #1

Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #1

  • Published: January 06, 1999
  • Added to Marvel Unlimited: September 05, 2011
  • Rating: T+
  • Cover Artist: John Byrne
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That web-slinging imposter turned out to be a fifteen-year-old girl named Mattie in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #2, while elsewhere the Ritual of Five provided a new menace named Shadrac in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #3. In PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN #2, Peter donned his Spidey gear to fight alongside Thor versus the Dark God Thokkots.

The X-Men’s Iceman joined with the wallcrawler to clash with Gray Dolman in a subterranean world in PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN #3, and later our hero stood with the Fantastic Four to battle their opposite numbers, the Frightful Four, in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #4. Not yet done with team-ups, Spidey accepted aid from another mutant, Marrow, to head into the sewers in search of missing persons in PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN #4.

Peter Parker: Spider-Man (1999) #2

Peter Parker: Spider-Man (1999) #2

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After a heartfelt talk with Daredevil following the funeral of Karen Page in DAREDEVIL #8, the web-slinger learned of Mattie’s adoption of the Spider-Woman title in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #5, and together the two heroes fought a brand-new evil Spider-Woman in PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN #5 and learned her origin in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #6.

The Kingpin made life worse for the hero in PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN #6 and the wallcrawler traveled to an alternate world in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #7 that boasted Flash Thompson as a costumed crimebuster and Mysterio as Spider-Man, later seen in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #8. Spidey and Blade the Vampire Hunter joined forces in PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN #7 to battle Hunger (the villain, not the concept of) and together witnessed the return of Morbius the Living Vampire in PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN #8.

Daredevil (1998) #8

Daredevil (1998) #8

What is Marvel Unlimited?

A mystery man called Captain Power went after Doctor Octopus in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #9, but Ock recognized him as his former assistant out for revenge in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #10. The dreaded Venom performed a splashy comeback in PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN #9 and reabsorbed the Carnage symbiote from Cletus Kasady in PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN #10.

Spider-Man felt squashed by the Blob in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #11, and again by Juggernaut and the Exemplars in PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN #11. To make matters even worse, a new Sinister Six revealed themselves in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #12 before setting out to show our hero who really had the upper hand in PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN #12.

We’ve got good news and bad news, Pete. The good news? Y2K isn’t real. The bad news? There’s more Parker Luck in store for the new millennium!



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