Published February 10, 2021

What's the Best X-Men Love Story?

Our exceptional X-editors pick their favorite romances on Krakoa!

All's fair in love and war, winners, which means Marvel's merry mutants must be the fairest in the mighty Multiverse! 

With Valentine's Day on the way, we bashfully bombed along to the Bullpen, where each and every issue is brought into being by Marvel's exemplary editors. Out of breath because we don't run much, but also because of the beauty in these books, we asked the editors of the X-Men office to name their favorite relationships—potential, budding, confirmed, or otherwise—on Krakoa.


Meet us at the Green Lagoon, Marvelites; let's spread rumors, reminisce, and rap about the most hair-raising relationships the X-Men have to offer right now!

"It’s no secret that Logan has been a lone wolf for many years, but Krakoa seems to be bringing out a softer side of the man formerly known as Weapon X. He’s been spending more time with Jean…but did everyone see him and Storm together sampling the Blightness during the X OF SWORDS tournament? A tender moment between friends or shades of things to come…?"
-Mark Basso

WOLVERINE #7, page 19
WOLVERINE #7, page 19

"Love is in the air on Krakoa—so how can I choose just one of our motley mutant paramours? We’ve got Sunspot in a space romance with Deathbird! Cypher finding love on the battlefield with Bei the Blood Moon! Mystique burning it all down to get Destiny back! Cable dating… any number of the Stepford Cuckoos! YOU get a love story, and YOU get a love story, and…"
-Annalise Bissa

EXCALIBUR #14, page 23
EXCALIBUR #14, page 23

"X-FACTOR is the smoochiest X-Book, which means it’s the best X-Book, but who are my favorite smoochers in X-Factor? Aurora & Akihiro? Prodigy & Speed? Maybe it’s because I’m a happily married old fuddy-duddy myself, but my vote goes to Northstar & Kyle, long may they smooch!"
-Jake Thomas

X-FACTOR #1, page 1
X-FACTOR #1, page 1

"Look—there’s a lot of great couples on Krakoa right now (and even some surprising new paramours on the horizon!), but dollars to donuts Quentin and Phoebe blow them all out of the water! I mean sure, Quentin and Phoebe probably shouldn’t be using their powers to antagonize the other mutants hanging out at the Green Lagoon…but it’s date night! Let the kids have their fun."
-Lauren Amaro


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