Entering Marvel Contest of Champions: Red Goblin
Norman Osborn has bonded with the Carnage Symbiote!

In a desperate move to regain his lost connection to the Green Goblin persona, Norman Osborn bonded with the Carnage Symbiote. The result was Red Goblin, a demonic creature with a limitless thirst for death and unmatched hatred for Peter Parker. Now he’s the latest to join the roster in Marvel Contest of Champions!
As a character class Comic, Red Goblin’s basic abilities include True Sense, Energize, Fury, Aptitude.
Red Goblin’s tool kit includes three special attacks and one signature attack. Using Symbiote Rushdown, the Carnage Symbiote takes control, bursting razor sharp tentacles from his chest, before shattering a Carnage Bomb into a hail of flaming shrapnel. Symbiote Attacks: All 5 hits deal a burst of direct damage equal to 100% damage dealt. Potency increased by 100% for each Unique Debuff on the Opponent. Shrapnel Blast: Incinerate, dealing 3147 Energy Damage over 20 seconds.
With Goblin Onslaught, Norman employs the Green Goblin’s tactics, discharging a few Carnage Bombs to maim his prey, then oblisterates them with a massive blast from his glider. Carnage Bombs: Inflict Carnage Bomb Debuffs. After Burner: All 3 hits deal a burst of 2098 energy damage.
Unleashing Seething Madness, Red Goblin unleashes his madness unto the world, spawning an armada of Carnage Bombs who seek and destroy any and all things. Activate Frenzy for 30 seconds. Inflict 7 Random Carnage Bomb Debuffs with 50% increased Duration.
Red Goblin’s signature ability, Symbiotic Empowerment, Norman Osborn and the Carnage Symbiote form a powerful bond. While Frenzy is Active: Special Attacks generate +1 Symbiote Buff with 35% reduced Potency.
Recommended masteries include Despair, Assassin, and Resonate.
Red Goblin’s strengths include Armor Break, True Sense, and #Spider-verse Champions.
Red Goblin is available for downloading now on Marvel Contest of Champions on iOS and Android devices!
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