Published July 29, 2020

‘Marvel’s Avengers’ WAR TABLE Reveals Hawkeye As Playable Character

Get ready to Embrace Your Powers on September 4!


Following the first WAR TABLE for Marvel’s Avengers, the team at Marvel Games, Square Enix, and Crystal Dynamics received a lot of comments and feedback, with the number one comment still being, “Where’s Hawkeye?” If that’s a question that’s been on your mind too, dive into the second WAR TABLE which finally reveals the skilled marksman!

Hawkeye will be one of the first additional characters added to the game after its initial launch on September 4. Check out a preview of his gameplay below!

In an original story-arc inspired by some of the best-known Hawkeye moments in the comics, players wield Clint Barton’s iconic high-tech bow and trick arrows in missions either solo or co-op online with friends.

Hawkeye’s story will continue to move the entire Marvel’s Avengers narrative world forward, and all-new missions are accessible with the entire roster of playable heroes.

More information about this and additional post-launch content, including the new villain and other content debuting with Hawkeye’s story, will be available soon. Check out our full coverage of the Marvel’s Avengers WAR TABLE for July right here.

Marvel’s Avengers will release simultaneously for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Stadia, and PC on September 4!

For the most up-to-date information about Marvel's Avengers, keep an eye on And be sure to follow "Play Avengers" on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

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