Published March 8, 2021

Shop Marvel Must Haves: ‘WandaVision’ Episode 9

Every episode of the Marvel Studios series is now streaming on Disney+!


Welcome to Marvel Must Haves, your best destination for all new exciting and epic products out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Phase 4 of the MCU kicks off with Marvel Studios’ WandaVision and each week through the run of the series we’ll be bringing you brand new apparel, accessories, toys and more based on and inspired by the show. Dive into what’s new this week, and don’t forget to share what you must have on social with #MarvelMustHaves!

The finale of Marvel Studios’ WandaVision — which also happens to be titled, “The Series Finale” — brings our time in Westview, New Jersey to a close. It’s a jam-packed finale which can only mean one thing: A jam-packed new roundup for Marvel Must Haves! 

High in the sky above the town, Wanda Maximoff defeats nosey neighbor Agatha Harkness, assuming the title of Scarlet Witch once and for all. Down on the ground, Vision has a synthezoid to synthezoid conversation while nearby Monica Rambeau truly steps into her new powers — while also stopping S.W.O.R.D. Director Hayward from causing any more trouble for Westview.  And that’s still not all that happens!

Celebrate the conclusion of the Disney+ series with a brand new items showcasing Wanda’s brand new look — Scarlet Witch tiara, included. Snag the tiara and pair it with the new Scarlet Witch outfit from Her Universe, or style it with any one of the just released graphic t-shirts from Shop Disney, highlighting episodes from the series. Also, be on the lookout for Ulta to roll out a Scarlet Witch collection, taking us through Wanda’s journey over the last 50 years of television. 

If you’re looking for The Vision, new Funko Pops, bobble-heads, and replica scale figures are coming soon for the all-white character, along with a t-shirt featuring that one time Vision accidentally swallowed a piece of gum — who could forget that??

Shop the series finale of WandaVision in the gallery below! Having trouble viewing it? Click here

Looking for more Marvel Must Haves? Shop Season 1 of WandaVision

Looking for more WandaVision? Follow @WandaVision on Twitter, WandaVisionOfficial on Facebook, and WandaVision on Instagram! 

Want more exciting information about Phase 4? Find the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe news right here — and stay tuned for more!

This is just the beginning of the Phase 4 news. Stay tuned to for more details! And be sure to follow Marvel on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.




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