Spider-Verse: Everything You Need to Know About Spider-Man Noir
We take a look back at the comic book origins of the most hard-boiled character in 'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse'
In an alternate reality, Peter Parker became a pulpier version of Spider-Man in the year 1933, as first seen in SPIDER-MAN NOIR. The series, by David Hine, Fabrice Sapolsky and Carmine Di Giandomenico, debuted in 2008, setting the groundwork for the character Spider-Man Noir, voiced by Nicolas Cage, in the animated film "Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse," now playing in theaters!
A much darker take on Spider-Man, this version of Peter wound up working for a famous photographer named Ben Urich. Ben, going by the name "The Spider," had a network of informants who would tip him off to important news, but he kept any incriminating evidence regarding Norman Osborn – otherwise known as crime boss the Goblin – a secret in exchange for the drugs he was addicted to.
Osborn inadvertently lead to Peter changing into Spider-Man when an African statue he'd acquired broke open with a small army of mystical spiders, one of which bit the inquisitive young man who'd been on the hunt for information.
When he confronted Osborn about his crimes, a disguised Peter saw Urich there and felt betrayed by his mentor's dark dealings. Worse yet for the older reporter, he got wiped off the game board by another of the Goblin's agents, cementing Peter's desire to bring down those who frequently avoided justice in a fully corrupt system.
Using his newfound spider-related abilities – including biological web shooters – and creating a costume for himself out of his Uncle Ben's old war uniform, Spider-Man got to work trying to clean up the streets of New York City.
The following year, this version of the Web-Slinger appeared again in the pages of SPIDER-MAN NOIR: EYES WITHOUT A FACE, which continued to build his world with plenty of familiar faces, some of whom acted very differently than longtime fans would expect!
When all the Spider-Heroes in the multiverse found themselves being hunted by the Inheritors, Spider-Man Noir leaped right into action alongside the others to stop the threat in the first big SPIDER-VERSE event.
During the reality-shaking SECRET WARS, he appeared in a SPIDER-VERSE tie-in series along with Spider-Ham, Spider-Gwen and others. When normalcy returned, the group stayed together as seen in WEB WARRIORS to monitor threats to a variety of different worlds.
Part of the Warriors' job revolved around making sure the Inheritors remained in their jail dimension. However, they inadvertently supplied them with the materials to break free with some unknowing help from Otto Octavius, the Superior Octopus! Things didn't exactly work out well for Spider-Man Noir when he and a group of others tried to stop the Inheritors' escape, but you never know how these things will turn out! Keep reading the current SPIDER-GEDDON event for more!
For more on Spider-Man Noir, check out his section on Marvel.com!
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