Hear How Skrulls Captured the World with this 'Secret Invasion' Reading Club
Tune in to the 'Marvel's Pull List' podcast as writer Tini Howard and series editor Tom Brevoort join to chat!
Welcome to another enchanting episode of Marvel's Pull List, o frantic ones!
This week, Ryan "Agent M" Penagos and Tucker Markus are joined this week by writer Tini Howard and Marvel Comics Executive Editor Tom Brevoort to talk everything SECRET INVASION!
Hear how it came about, how Brian Michael Bendis and the Bullpen chose who would be a Skrull in disguise, what made Norman Osborne a perfect figure for this story, why it all had to end the way it did, how it ties into CIVIL WAR, and so much more!
If you haven't yet, True Believers, read the first ish right here!
Now listen to the ever-lovin' ep!
Read the series on Marvel Unlimited, Marvel’s premier digital comics subscription service for instant access to over 27,000 Marvel digital comics. Download the episode from Marvel.com/podcasts and subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts right now!