Published December 7, 2018

This Week in Marvel Celebrates Miles Morales

Ryan and Jamie wax poetic about their favorite young web slinger!

On This Week in Marvel, hosts Ryan "Agent M" Penagos and Jamie Frevele focus in on one of the Marvel Universe's greatest heroes: Miles Morales!

Amidst all the action in SPIDER-GEDDON, CHAMPIONS, and the upcoming "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse", Miles has been swinging all over the place as of late. So Ryan and Jamie dig into their favorite memories, comics, and moments for the web-headed hero!

This week's Question of the Week: What Marvel games have you been playing in 2018?

Give us your answers on Twitter using the hashtag #ThisWeekInMarvel or stop by the TWIM Facebook page! You can also email the show at twimpodcast@marvel.com!

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With new episodes every Friday, This Week in Marvel delivers all the latest Marvel discussion and news about comics, TV, movies, games, toys, and beyond! Tweet your questions and comments about the show to @AgentM, @jamiefrevele, or @Marvel with the hashtag #ThisWeekinMarvel!