Brigid Brannagh and Kevin Weisman Talk ‘Marvel’s Runaways’ Season 1’s Finale
Spoiler Alert! The actors discuss the events surrounding the Yorkes family in the Hulu series.
Warning: Full spoilers for the Season 1 finale for “Marvel’s Runaways” follow! Need to catch up? You can watch all the episodes now on Hulu!
In the season finale of “Marvel’s Runaways,” all of the parents made some big realizations about Jonah and the risk their kids were in as a result of his presence. spoke to Brigid Brannagh (“Stacey Yorkes”) and Kevin Weisman (“Dale Yorkes”) about the Yorkes’ actions and what could be next for them, especially as all the kids, Gert and Molly included, have run away.
Marvel: In the season finale, we got to see Dale and Stacey be proactive, stepping out and investigating things on their own. Was it fun to see these characters come out of their comfort zone a little here?
Brigid Brannagh: Yeah, one of the things that was really fun was when Jonah confronts us and says “Are you testing the DNA?” and we’re both like “No — Yes!”
Kevin Weisman: And you buck up against him and kind of really call him out. She’s the first one to really call him out and I’m like “No, no we shouldn’t do that to the all-powerful Jonah.”
Brigid Brannagh: But then you do it. You take the gun and you’re like “What about you?”
Kevin Weisman: We have some bravado deep in our bio-engineer/scientist/vulnerable nerd world. We’ve been talking about this a lot today, but we got into this organization, the Pride, to ostensibly do good things, to save the world. We’re altruistic people. We created a serum too help with PTSD and soldiers…
Brigid Brannagh: The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Kevin Weisman: And then eventually things go horribly awry. So I don’t think we’re these black and white characters, these villains. At the same time, we have to tow the party line, as it were. We’re good soldiers.
Brigid Brannagh: But now we’re rebels. We escape, standing up to Jonah… We steal the serum.
Kevin Weisman: We’re not really good soldiers.
Brigid Brannagh: We’re actually the worst!
Kevin Weisman: We care about our kids and their safety.
Marvel: All the parents are worried for their kids’ safety and several unite by the end of the finale as far as being against Jonah. But there are also some big personalities here. Do you think the worry for their kids will get them through that or is it a concern that this is a combustible situation with members of the Pride?
Brigid Brannagh: Well I always wonder… Right now, it’s a worry for all of our kids, but I wonder if it’s “Oh no, my kid! Your kid can go down.” Because it didn’t go so well for the Hernandez family.
Kevin Weisman: I think that’s always hanging over our heads after what happened to the dear Hernandez family in episode nine, and who was behind it. I think that’s a major, major fear.
Brigid Brannagh: Even that, Leslie didn’t mean to put Molly in danger. There’s still that sense of protection for the kid. But will that change into only my kid?
Kevin Weisman: My main concern is that Dale survives into Season 2. I don’t care about anything else. Don’t even care about Stacy. Just Dale. Does Dale survive? [Laughs]
Brigid Brannagh: Oh, Mr. Weisman!
Kevin Weisman: No, I care about Stacey!
Marvel: The end of the season finale has the kids run away. For Stacey and Dale, they have two kids involved. Do you think that will send them especially into overdrive about, “Must protect. Must get them back.”
Brigid Brannagh: Absolutely. I would hope so. We don’t know exactly what’s coming but I’d think we’re going to try to do whatever we can.
Kevin Weisman: I think prior to this relationship turning south they had a very loving, open [relationship]. We see a bit of that in the pilot when we’re all in the car and we’re talking about her body changes and things. I have two daughters in actuality so I know it all. But I just think that we now are faced with a very real threat, while at the same time, our main goal is the protection of our two girls.
Brigid Brannagh: And not just their physical protection, but to keep that loving relationship. Even when we bring Molly to Gracile, it’s just heart wrenching that she hates us and is hurt by us.
Kevin Weisman: You played that really beautifully. She’s a really good actor, this one!
For more on “Marvel’s Runaways,” check out’s post-season interview with Ariela Barer and Allegra Acosta!
All 10 episodes of “Marvel’s Runaways” Season 1 can be watched now on Hulu. Be sure to follow @Runaways on Twitter and like the official “Marvel’s Runaways” Facebook page!