‘Marvel’s M.O.D.O.K.’: New Guest Stars Announced for Hulu Series
Watch the full WonderCon@Home Panel now — and get ready for some surprises!
Who’s ready to take over the world? M.O.D.O.K. sure is...even though he’s going to hit a roadblock every step of the way, whether it be A.I.M. headquarters or back at home with his wife and two kids. How can a megalomaniacal super villain have it all? Well, we’ll find out in Marvel’s M.O.D.O.K., premiering May 21 on Hulu!
The cast and crew of M.O.D.O.K. hosted a WonderCon@Home Panel (which you can watch above!), featuring stars Patton Oswalt (M.O.D.O.K.), Melissa Fumero (Melissa), Aimee Garcia (Jodie), Ben Schwartz (Lou), Jon Daly (Super-Adaptoid) and were joined by creator, writer, and executive producer Jordan Blum for a fan Q&A covering all aspects of M.O.D.O.K.’s work and home life.
“He is this character that aspires to be like Doctor Doom, this kind of like menacing villain, but he always falls short of it,” Blum explained during the panel. “The fact that he's conscious that he's not an A-Lister drives him insane. What’s his home life like, while also running an evil organization?”
Back at home, his wife, Jody is just about at wit’s end with her husband’s evildoings. Meanwhile his two kids, Melissa and Lou, don’t fall far from the tree...and also fall very far from the tree. It’s hard not to notice that Melissa bears a striking resemblance to her father (and is also a very good figure skater). As for Lou, he could care less about world domination since his thoughts lie with picking the best bar mitzvah theme. (“I think we're the only Marvel show to have our big finale take place at a bar mitzvah,” Schwartz quips during the panel.)
Along with the core cast, the WonderCon@Home Panel also revealed a handful of guest stars, including: Jon Hamm as Iron Man, Whoopi Goldberg as Poundcakes, Nathan Fillion as Wonder Man, and Bill Hader as Angar the Screamer and The Leader.

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