The only person who could say they even remotely knew the fiery personality called Eleven would be Eleven herself. The
Redeemer brought Eleven into his therapy group in hopes she would share her story with the others, leading up to her run in with
Spider-Man and the loss of her leg. Eleven wasn't the sharing type – about her past or her clash with the wall-crawler - but she was completely on board with "rehabilitating" the man who disfigured her. Perhaps if she knew it was Venom who was impersonating the actual
web-head, she would have been more frightened. Luck on her side, Eleven was gifted with a sonic voice capable of harming the alien symbiote, but her inexperience, perhaps coupled with a case of mistaken identity, led to her demise after she let up on her scream and Venom bit her in half at the waist.