Poseidon AegaeusPoseidon

Poseidon, Father of Oceans, is the patron god of Atlantis, where he is worshiped and he honors his followers by offering them protection.
fighting skills



Known by many names over the centuries, such as Neptune, Earthshaker, Father Neptune, and the Father of Oceans, his most recognizable moniker is Poseidon, God of the Seas! 


Ruler of the Seas

Born in Olympus and extensively self-educated, Poseidon is Titan leader Cronus’ second son. Fearing patricide, Cronus preemptively imprisons his children in Tartarus, including Poseidon. Poseidon joins the Titanomachy–the war for Olympus–when Zeus frees his siblings. After their success, Poseidon, Zeus, and their brother Pluto draw lots to rule creation; Zeus wins the sky, Pluto the underworld, and Poseidon the seas. The land would be divided among them, but Poseidon often fights with his relatives over patronage of lands. Eventually he claims Atlantis, where Poseidon marries the reborn goddess Cleito and fathers the first 10 Atlantean kings. Poseidon continues to woo others, including Athena’s priestess Medusa, causing Athena to curse Medusa’s descendants. 

When Atlantis sinks circa 18,000 BC and the people become a water-breathing race, Cleito stays with the city while Poseidon watches after the confused Atlanteans. Poseidon seeks a new wife, but faces repeated rejection. He considers the nymph Thetis, but turns his attention toward her sister Amphitrite. She flees toward the Titan Atlas, but Amphitrite finds herself convinced by Delphinus, lord of the dolphins, to marry Poseidon. 

At some point, Poseidon defeats and imprisons the ancient demon Wild One. Circa 8000 BC, the Atlantean people recreated Atlantis underwater and worshiped Poseidon as Neptune. Despite devotion to Amphitrite, often calming her raging storms, Poseidon fathered more children with gods and mortals.


Olympian God

Poseidon possesses the conventional superhuman physical attributes of an Olympian god, including virtual immortality, but with enhanced strength, enabling him to lift 70 tons. He can breathe underwater and possesses many energy-manipulating abilities. He can control all aspects of the ocean, causing tidal waves, whirlpools, and seaquakes; likewise, he can control and speak through all the ocean’s creatures. 

He can teleport between dimensions, alter his size and appearance (he often matches his skin color to that of the Atlanteans) or change the forms of others. He also possesses precognitive abilities (particularly when dealing with Atlanteans) and can observe anything in his domain. His abilities weakened after the disruption of the Olympian pantheon. 

His primary weapon is the Trident of Neptune, forged by the cyclopes. It is said Poseidon creates earthquakes by throwing the trident at the shores. A duplicate of the Trident of Neptune serves as a symbol of the Atlantean king’s power.


Supernatural Threats

Poseidon defends Atlanteans from supernatural threats like the Unforgiven Dead’s lord Suma-Ket and followers of the Elder God Set. In defending them, he destroys Set’s cult and prevents the Elder God’s manifestation on Earth. Poseidon also goes up against the Japanese god of evil Amatsu Mikaboshi, AKA Mikaboshi, when he warred with Olympus and killed Poseidon’s brother Zeus in the process.


Familial Ties and Atlantean Allies

As one of the Olympians, Poseidon is regarded as a deity by the peoples of Greece and the Roman Empire. His kin includes his parents Cronus and Rhea and his siblings, Zeus, Hades, AKA Pluto, Demeter, Hera, and Hestia. He also has many nieces and nephews, including Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, Phoebus Apollo, AKA Apollo, Ares, Dionysus, Hephaestus Aetnaeus, AKA Hephaestus, Heracles, AKA Hercules, Hermes, and allegedly Subbie. With his wife Amphitrite, they have one son, Triton. With other gods and mortals, he sires 10 unidentified sons who become the 10 Kings of Atlantis, as well as Polyphemus and Theseus.

Poseidon sides with his younger brother Zeus in slaying their father, Cronus, and freeing their siblings from a prison in the dark underworld known as Hades. Following the defeat, Zeus becomes ruler of Olympus and he grants each of his sibling’s dominion over the regions of the Earth. Poseidon receives dominion over Earth's seas, which includes maintaining a strong following with the Atlanteans, whom he chooses to protect time and time again.

Poseidon and Ame-No-Mi-Kumari combine their powers to protect the Earth from the demonic Japanese god of the underworld: Mikaboshi. Together, they flood Mikaboshi's underworld, defeating him.


The Deep Blue Sea

After confronting Set’s followers 2000 years ago, Poseidon took a more active role in Atlantean culture. He created a golden age, fought alongside his followers and set the trident as a symbol for the Atlantean monarchy. Poseidon’s worship remained strong as other Olympians lost followers. By the 20th century, the sea people were governing themselves, but Poseidon became involved again when Aphrodite, AKA Venus, asked him to investigate atomic tests that had driven ocean denizens to the surface. 

Poseidon was thought killed during the investigation, and his daughter Neptunia sought vengeance, although she was stopped by Venus. Decades later, Poseidon showed interest in Namor the Sub-Mariner, encouraging Namor to reclaim the trident of leadership. When Zeus asked Poseidon to participate in an attack on the Avengers, retaliation for injuries suffered by Heracles, AKA Hercules, he begrudgingly abducted Namor. Zeus’ subsequent edict to stay away from mortals insulted Poseidon, as he still had a significant population of worshipers. Eventually, Poseidon’s involvement with the Atlanteans resumed.

When the Japanese god of evil Amatsu Mikaboshi, AKA Mikaboshi warred with Olympus, Poseidon fought alongside the Olympians and worked with the Japanese water goddess Ame-no-minaka-nushi-no-kami. The battle was won, but Zeus died, leading to a disruption of power among the Olympians. Weakened, Poseidon traveled to Melanesia for meditation, but was ambushed, captured and tortured by Amazons. Weak and confused, he told them about the Omphalos artifact that could reshape reality. Poseidon was rescued by Hercules, the human genius Amadeus Cho, AKA Brawn, Namor, and Aquaria Nautica Neptunia, AKA Namora, and returned to his Atlantean followers to regain his strength. In the battle for succession after the deaths of Zeus and Hera Argeia, AKA Hera, Neptune sided with Athena, choosing Namor as his champion to join Amadeus Cho in his battle with Phobos.


6'3" (variable)


625 lbs. (variable)







Universe, Other Aliases, Education, Place of Origin, Identity, Known Relatives, Powers
  • Universe

  • Other Aliases

  • Education

  • Place of Origin

  • Identity

  • Known Relatives

  • Powers