Randall "Rand" SpectorShadowknight

Convinced he’s the second avatar of the Egyptian god Khonshu, Shadowknight is bent on vengeance against his vigilante brother, Moon Knight.


TV Shows

'Moon Knight': Episode 5 Details Log

“There can be no progress without understanding.”


Moon Knight: Villains and Accomplices

His friends and his foes! Dive deeper into Moon Knight’s world with the characters that define him.

fighting skills



Randall Spector is a mercenary that shows no mercy. Starting out as a CIA agent, he soon betrays his country and his brother, resulting in brain damage. Witnessing his brother’s death and resurrection by the Egyptian god Khonshu, he sets out on a rage-filled path of death and destruction to destroy his sibling, Marc Spector, AKA Moon Knight.


Blood Brothers

The son of Rabbi Elias Spector, Randall “Rand” Spector and his older brother Marc are close as children, but Randall resents how Marc seems superior to him in every competition. As adults, both men become mercenaries, accepting various assignments for the CIA. The two brothers work side by side on a gun-running mission in Italy, but Randall intends to sell out to their opposition and kills Lisa Mullaney—a woman with whom Marc was involved. Before dying, Lisa tells Marc of Randall’s betrayal, and Marc in turn fights Randall, ultimately bringing him down with a grenade. 

Hospitalized for months, Randall goes insane from the resulting brain damage. He ultimately strangles his nurse to death with a pajama shirt and escapes. 

While on another assignment in Egypt, Randall crosses paths with his brother again when both men find themselves in the long-buried temple of Khonshu, recently unearthed by Dr. Peter Alraune and his daughter Marlene. Randall watches unobserved as his brother is seemingly restored to life by the Ennead (Egyptian) god Khonshu, and sets out to become the deity’s avatar of vengeance as the Moon Knight. Randall discovers a parchment in the temple, which purports to be the “will” of Khonshu. The document claims that there were two Khonshus, and that one gains his power by slaying the other. Seeing a similarity in his relationship with Marc, Randall is inspired to wrest his brother’s title away from him.


Brute Strength

As Nightshadow, Randall possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift 1 ton, durability and can drain life energies from his opponents. As Shadowknight, he wears Kevlar body armor. His preferred weapon is a wooden-handled hatchet.


Blood Moon

A blood bond means nothing to Randall when it comes to his own brother. Randall becomes convinced that he can gain power from his brother if he can kill him. He often goes after his sibling and attacks those he loves to get his attention.



Like his brother, Randall joins the CIA and conducts mercenary work. Though he eventually joins the Knights of the Moon, worshippers of Khonshu, alongside Sandahl Swarn, AKA Nepthys, and Hellbent to carry out his perceived prophecy that he would gain power if he slays his brother.


A History of Violent Behavior

Randall brought the parchments to fellow CIA agent Sandahl Swarn, who had been involved in the CIA’s Operation: Cobra to behavior condition agents. She stole the CIA’s technology and began to scheme with Randall, taking the alias of “Nepthys” after the Ennead goddess. With Nepthys’ technology, they brainwashed a man into believing he was Randall, and gave him plastic surgery to resemble Randall as well. Twisted by Randall’s insanity, the man became the serial killer “Hatchet-Man,” ultimately slaughtering nine nurses in Manhattan with a hatchet, mimicking Randall’s own episode in Italy. The imposter nearly claimed Marlene as well when she masqueraded as a nurse to draw him out for Moon Knight. The imposter finally died while battling Moon Knight; Marc then believed that his brother was truly dead. 

When the moon and stars were finally aligned as prescribed in the parchments, Randall and Nepthys finally struck at Moon Knight themselves. They recruited as agents the Knights of the Moon, worshippers of Khonshu and former henchmen of the Egyptian criminal Leila O’Toole, AKA Plasma. Randall destroyed Moon Knight’s manor home, crippling his friend Jean Paul DuChamp, AKA Frenchie, in the process. Randall and Nepthys obtained Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.) technology with which to grant Randall superhuman powers, but Frank Castle, AKA Punisher, picked up A.I.M.’s trail and helped Moon Knight track Randall. Randall and Nepthys used their technology to transform Randall into the “Shadowknight,” a virtual duplicate of Moon Knight, but the Punisher killed Nepthys soon after. 

Randall’s mental state continued to deteriorate, and he resumed the Hatchet-Man serial killings of his imposter, targeting more nurses. Randall was finally killed by the Punisher, but was later resurrected, serving as one of the Hellbent, assuming the name Nightshadow. 

Later, convinced by The Profile that he was Khonshu’s new avatar, Randall takes the name Shadowknight again. To get his brother’s attention, he murdered several people and beat Marc’s girlfriend, Marlene, half to death, who was pregnant with their child. The attack was so traumatic that she lost the child. Randall fled to New Orleans seeking out the Sapphire Crescent, but his brother caught up with him, and in a fight unmasked him. Though Randall escaped his brother’s grasp and found the crescent. But he didn’t have it for long as Marc wrested it from him and defeated him. Randall then threatened to destroy a city block by blowing himself up, but Marc responded by whipping the crescent at his brother’s throat, killing him.

Though Randall was not dead for long. The Blasphemy Cartel gang resurrected him as the revenant Shadow Knight. They sent him to attack the newest Sorcerer Supreme, Clea Strange, and her visiting mother at the Sanctum Sanctorum. Through Clea reclaimed him for herself with magic and he obeyed, slaying another one of the cartel’s demonic minions. Clea then released Randall from her hold and his energy was transported back to whence it came.

In the City of the Dead, Randall became the Jackal Knight. Still bent on vengeance, he gathered several of his brother Moon Knight’s deceased enemies and formed a new Legion of the Unliving. Holding the spirit of a young boy named Khalil Nasser, and the new host of the Egyptian God of the Dead, Osiris, the Jackal Knight forcibly transferred Khalil’s powers to himself. With increased powers, he faced Nasser’s saviors, Moon Knight and his ally Layla El-Faouly, AKA the Scarlet Scarab. He also plotted to have his legion rise up and conquer the mortal realm. When Randall’s plan failed, he threatened to consume his brother’s heart and Marc removed it, thrusting it upon him. Feeling Marc’s anguish, pain, and guilt came with it, overwhelming Randall, and he begged to be freed. Confused, Randall asked his brother why he would save a meaningless kid, and he told him that this kid reminded him of Randall. Osiris appeared restored and committed to overseeing the Jackal Knight’s confinement and to cleanse him of Anubis’ blight, which could take a millennia.




190 lbs.




Dark brown



Universe, Other Aliases, Education, Place of Origin, Identity, Known Relatives, Powers
  • Universe

  • Other Aliases

  • Education

  • Place of Origin

  • Identity

  • Known Relatives

  • Powers