Anne WeyingShe-Venom

Ruthless and murderous, She-Venom has no boundaries, and her host is lawyer Anne Weying—someone who cannot abide by the symbiote’s sheer force of will.



Suffering a mortal wound, legal assistant Anne Weying bonds to her ex-husband’s Venom symbiote and transforms into She-Venom. While connected to the alien entity, she is a murderous maven, and when disconnected, she is full of remorse and revulsion.


From Lawyer to Lawless Symbiote

Pursuing a passion in law, Anne Winifred Weying studies the subject at Empire State University. When she meets Eddie Brock, he seeks her help in finding his off-campus housing. They end up in a dangerous neighborhood and get attacked by a group of criminals who knock Anne out. When she comes to, all of the attackers are defeated and Anne assumes Eddie was responsible and he doesn’t correct her (little did Anne know that they were really saved by Peter Parker, AKA Spider-Man). Swept up by his smart, witty, and boyish charm, Anne eventually marries Eddie, and while she becomes a lawyer, Eddie becomes a journalist for the Daily Globe. When Eddie’s career gets destroyed from a controversial article he wrote about serial killer Stanley Carter, AKA Sin-Eater, and Spider-Man saves the day, he fixates on the Wall-Crawler, blaming him for his downfall. Anne notices the change in him and later looks back believing that a part of him died and he went a little mad as a result. 

After their marriage ends in divorce and Eddie becomes the Super Villain Venom, augmented by a symbiote, Spider-Man contacts Anne, asking questions about their past. She reveals some truths about Eddie’s difficult relationship with his father, but recalls how his eyes would shine when he’d take her to Thrill World, his favorite amusement park. After he departs, she questions whether she did everything she could have to help him, and leaves immediately following a hunch. She finds him at Thrill World changed by the Venom symbiote with Spider-Man and two hostages. She tries to convince him to let them go but little did she know, she was followed by the mercenary group, the Wild Pack, who shoots Eddie in the back. A battle ensues between Venom, Spider-Man, and the Wild Pack, so Anne directs the hostages to safety and then watches as Eddie nearly kills Spider-Man. Disappointed in him, she runs to get help but on her way out, one of the park’s rides falls, almost crushing her but Eddie stops it with the help of Spider-Man. Eddie turns on Spider-Man, and Anne tries again to convince him to leave his vendetta behind. Eddie seemingly does so and also leaves Anne behind.


Shape-Shifter Symbiote

While bonded with Venom’s alien symbiote, Anne can change her outward appearance at will, and its composition offers a protective layer that makes Anne impervious to Spider-Man’s spider sense. She also gains super-strength and regenerative abilities from the symbiote, able to take on multiple assailants with ease, and heal from fatal injuries.


Lawful Connections and Capital Offenders

Anne is most notably connected to her husband Eddie Brock though their relationship doesn’t last and their marriage ends in divorce. But it isn’t the last time she sees him. She eventually finds him totally transformed into Venom and seeing what he is capable of, she wants nothing to do with him. However, when she is mortally wounded, Eddie shares the symbiote with her, which allows her to become She-Venom, a more ruthless version of herself that kills without remorse.

She has several encounters with spider-people. When she’s without the symbiote, she sides with Spider-Man’s (Parker) heroic intentions and tries to convince Eddie to be more like him. She also attempts to break up a fight between Ben Reilly, AKA Spider-Man, and Venom but in all her attempts to intervene in Venom’s life, she either finds herself disappointed or needing the symbiote to survive.

She later becomes mysteriously pregnant with a son she names Dylan, but gives him up to Eddie’s father for fear she was losing her mind.


Statement of Symbiote Affairs

Anne served as a legal assistant to Attorney Bennet Field. While Bennet fielded questions from reporters regarding his client Fordham Rhodes, the CEO of Excessive Violence Video Game Company (which was involved in a killing spree by Cletus Kasady, AKA Carnage) one reporter asked him about his legal assistant, noting that she was the former wife of Venom. Bennet responded saying it was untrue but Anne corrected him. Just then, another villain claiming to be the Sin-Eater shot Rhodes, Bennet, and Anne, who used her briefcase as a shield from the spray of bullets unleashed on her, saving her life. At the hospital recovering, Emergency Services Unit offered her protection in case the Sin-Eater returned, but it did nothing to stop his next attack. Venom intervened and protected Anne, and whisked her away to safety below the streets of the city. 

While expressing her disgust that they were in the sewers, Anne felt her pain killers wearing off. Her sutured wounds broke open from traveling so Venom offered to extend his symbiote to heal her. She refused at first because of how it changed him, but he enveloped her with his symbiote and she started to relax. However, it couldn’t sustain her while it was attached to both of them, and Eddie demanded the symbiote separate from him to save her. While the symbiote worked to heal her, Eddie faced an attack from a pair of bandits, but Anne intervened, transformed into She-Venom, and influenced by the symbiote, she killed them. Eddie threatened that if the Other as he called the symbiote, didn’t leave her, he would walk away from it forever, and the Other immediately departed Anne and rejoined Eddie. Anne realized the Other had its own will and felt violated. After seeing the consequences of her actions, she hated Eddie for sharing the symbiote with her and departed him immediately. She arrived back at her apartment to be held at gunpoint by Kristin, a vengeful mother whose daughter Kirsten’s boyfriend had been crippled after encountering Venom. 

The symbiote then attached itself again to Anne after Eddie had become incapacitated. Anne as She-Venom almost ate her attacker and when Eddie intervened, she threw him up against a wall. When the Sin-Eater arrived, a battle ensued and the symbiote left Anne and returned to Eddie when it looked like Kirstin’s mother was going to shoot him. Kirstin arrived to stop her mother but ended up tackling the Sin-Eater, who had a bomb strapped to his chest, and they both flew out a window. While Venom saved Kirsten, the Sin-Eater exploded and Anne struck Kirsten’s mom over the head.

Anne was taken into protective custody but the police actually wanted her to help them trap Venom and threatened her with jail time for aiding and abetting a criminal. She called him on the phone and the symbiote traveled through the phone lines, connecting their minds and giving her an intimate look into Eddie’s personal thoughts, which only confused her further. After it disconnected, Venom liberated her from the police but she refused to go with him. Ben Reilly, AKA Spider-Man, showed up and a battle between him and Venom began. Anne tried to break it up, nearly getting caught in the crossfire as the police had also arrived on the scene and shot at them. They arrested Anne for helping Venom escape, and when she used her one phone call, she called Venom. The symbiote bonded with her again allowing her to escape custody. She headed for the amusement park Thrill World only to find Eddie on fire. The symbiote jumped to him, saving his life. Afterward, Anne realized the addiction that Eddie had with the symbiote and blamed him for trying to get her hooked as well. She departed with the strength she had left to resist its hold.  

Not long afterward, she found herself pregnant with a son. She named him Dylan but feeling like she was losing her mind, she left Dylan in the care of Carl Brock, Eddie’s father. Later, when Eddie came knocking on her apartment door, she feared to let him in. As he attempted to rekindle their relationship, Anne panicked and curled up into a ball on the floor. She admitted she hadn’t been able to go outside since he let the symbiote bind to her. When she caught sight of Spider-Man outside her window in a black costume, she thought it was the symbiote. Eddie changed into Venom and went after Spider-Man but the experience triggered Anne—she jumped from her window and fell to her death. 



Universe, Other Aliases, Education, Known Relatives, Powers
  • Universe

  • Other Aliases

  • Education

  • Powers