One of the primal powers of Chaos, the Elder God Shuma-Gorath is an ancient extra-dimensional being who rules a hundred dimensions.
Older Than The Universe
Shuma-Gorath is one of the Great Old Ones—ancient, extradimensional beings predating Earth and possibly the universe itself. Arriving to Earth untold millions of years ago, Shuma-Gorath rules the blue planet and feasts on mankind’s ancestors. Shuma-Gorath meets the time-traveling sorcerer Sise-Neg, who banishes him to the distant past. Shuma-Gorath later returns to Earth and rules for an age in what would become the peninsula Cimmeria.
On his altar, he receives blood-sacrifices, from both tribal warfare and ritual slaughter. Shuma-Gorath does not seek priests or intermediaries between him and his food and will destroy any shaman who seeks to curry his favor.
The Writhing Devourer
In his native dimension, Shuma-Gorath is virtually omnipotent. He generates his own mystical power and is invoked by many beings across many dimensions for dark power, but also draws energy, mystical or otherwise, from others. Shuma-Gorath can release destructive blasts and can manipulate magical energy on a planetary scale. He can communicate telepathically and control others, even across dimensions.
Shuma’s physical characteristics vary greatly and his true form is uncertain; he usually adopts multiple tentacles and a rubbery, armored form, sometimes mountainous in size. Though Shuma-Gorath can be harmed by powerful assaults, he can eventually re-form from seeming destruction, and it may be impossible to destroy him permanently. The iron-bound Books of Shuma-Gorath , magically created long before conventional books existed, have been used by Lemurian sorcerers and many others to summon magical power for spells.
Powerful Earthy Enemies
Shuma-Gorath has one particular persnickety opponent and that is Dr. Stephen Strange, AKA Doctor Strange, who often banishes Shuma-Gorath back to his dimension or temporarily destroys him. He also faces the likes of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, the Avengers, and the Invaders only to be stopped by both teams.
As a dimensional being, Shuma-Gorath appears across realities, engaging in conflicts on Earth-30847 and Earth-9997, and invading Earth-9411. He was invoked on Earth-010011 to help kill Death; and makes appearances in other unknown realities and universes causing havoc.
As the Master of the Great Old Ones, Shuma-Gorath commands them to attack worlds. Though, when the battles look grim, Shuma-Gorath will save himself and flee back to his home realm.