Colin "Colly" Ashworth HumeWindshear

Using his powers for the betterment of others and fighting for a good cause is Windshear’s way.
fighting skills



With the power to manipulate hard air molecules, the mutant Windshear joins Alpha Flight to fight for justice. On the team, he defends and protects those who cannot save themselves.


Mutant Powers Manifest

Colin “Colly” Ashworth Hume is born in Canada and at 5 years old he moves to England with his mother and her diplomat husband. Upon discovering his mutant ability to create molecules of a substance known as “hard air,” Hume works as a special operative for the Super Human Division of Roxxon Oil’s United Kingdom branch. Roxxon outfits Hume with body armor and gives him the codename Windshear.

When the computer systems at Roxxon’s Denver, Colorado energy research facility seemingly go berserk, Windshear is sent in to defuse the situation, but he fails. Roxxon then turns to Canada’s Super Hero team Alpha Flight for help, and they send Madison Jeffries and Lillian Crawley, AKA Diamond Lil, who also prove unsuccessful. Alongside the two Alphans, Windshear enlists the aid of mutant technosmith Forge. With his help, the heroes discover that the computers are being controlled by James Hudson, AKA Guardian, Alpha Flight’s former leader, long believed dead. After Hudson is liberated, Windshear quits Roxxon in disgust and returns to Canada with Hudson, soon joining Alpha Flight on a probationary basis.


Hard Air Manipulation

Windshear can create solidified molecules of air via transmogrification. He can manipulate this “hard air” in various ways, including projecting a stream of hard air molecules that strike with concussive force, aiding propulsion for flight, and creating defensive hard air screens. He can also solidify the air around him and release it as a concussive explosion, transform liquids and gasses into solids, or entrap others in blocks of solid air. Destruction of his hard air constructs causes Windshear pain via a psionic backlash. 

While working for Roxxon, Windshear wears a suit of armor that they built, which enhances his resistance to injury and increases his strength. Turbojets built into the armor allow him to better control the projection of hard air molecules. The suit also contains a helmet-mounted radio communicator, as well as a retractable tinted plexiglass protective faceplate. When joining Alpha Flight, Windshear wears a modified version of the suit. 

Windshear is also a talented hard air sculptor, and is well-versed in combating tanker fires.



Close Ties, Work Allies and Criminal Elements

Growing up with his parents Franklin “Frank” Hume and Jacqueline Freeman Hume in England, he came into his mutant powers as a teenager. As an adult, he joins the Canadian armed forces and then Roxxon Oil. They build him a battlesuit to harness his powers, so that he could be their super-powered security administrator.

Colin later becomes comfortable with the role of a Super Hero after joining Canada’s Super Hero team, Alpha Flight. Eventually he became Alpha Flight’s Chief Administrator due to his familiarity with corporate structure gained from working for Roxxon. He also mentors Alpha Flight’s trainee team Gamma Flight, whom he soon promotes to Beta Flight after a battle against the Master of the World. He still participates in field missions with Alpha Flight and is also among many of Earth’s heroes who were briefly “converted” to serve the cause of the Goddess in her effort to cleanse the universe.

He goes up against several of Alpha Flight’s foes such as the psychic Headlok, Wrecking Crew, Consortium and Galactus. After he leaves Alpha Flight, his main focus becomes Pink Pearl, a mobster who preys on young, angry men to do her bidding.


A Super Hero’s Story

On his first Alpha mission, Windshear fought alongside the Fantastic Four against the psychic Headlok, after which he was made a full member of Alpha Flight. Subsequently, Windshear and Alpha Flight joined forces with Her and the Avengers in opposing an attempted invasion by the alien Consortium, which led to a confrontation with the world- devouring Galactus. 

Eventually Windshear was appointed Alpha Flight’s Chief Administrator and mentored the team’s trainee squad Gamma Flight who became Beta Flight. He joined the team on field missions as well, especially when the team opposed the threat of the Wrecking Crew.

Following Alpha Flight’s disbanding by the Canadian government after an attempted political takeover of Canada by the Master, Hume retired from the super-hero life and returned to his home in England where he set up a curio shop that sold hard air sculptures only visible when certain colored light hits them. Hume came under investigation when it was discovered that hard air samples he had created for Roxxon were being used as bullets by the assassin Jack Monroe, AKA Scourge. 

After the restoration of reality following its warping by Wanda Maximoff, AKA Scarlet Witch, Hume was one of the world’s many mutants who lost their powers and became normal humans. He still fought for justice with a suit and battle gear, but faced another kind of enemy. He was diagnosed with leukemia. His doctors believed his Windshear armor contained radioactive elements in it and that his extended exposure led to the ailment. He underwent chemotherapy and decided to continue being a hero. 

After chemo, he started tracking a group called “Happy Clams” who were actually a bunch of kids recruited by a mobster named Pink Pearl. When Laura Kinney, AKA X-23, found them, she nearly killed them, but Colin, now known as Chinook, stopped her from the deadly deed. He took her back to his hideout and explained how these kids get arrested but are never tied to Pearl and it was his mission to put a stop to it. He knew a lot about her and Wolverine and Laura became suspicious, demanding to know who he was truly with a razor-sharp claw to his throat. He told her about his former life and who he is now and why he keeps fighting for good, and that is to be a symbol of trust.




200 lbs.







Universe, Other Aliases, Education, Place of Origin, Identity, Known Relatives, Powers
  • Universe

  • Other Aliases

  • Education

  • Place of Origin

  • Identity

  • Known Relatives

  • Powers