Simon WilliamsWonder Man

Super Hero. Actor. Stuntman. Industrialist. Inventor. It’s no wonder Simon Williams takes the name Wonder Man!



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fighting skills



Thanks to experimentation and a deal with a Super Villain, the all-powerful Wonder Man makes a name for himself as an Avenger.


Many-Hit Wonder

Born in Paterson, New Jersey as the younger son of munitions manufacturer Sanford Williams, Simon is a bookish lad who loves math, chess, and jazz and prefers reading to sport. His father demands the best from both Simon and his brother Eric, becoming physically abusive when they did not receive straight A’s. Desperate for parental approval, young Simon excels in the sciences but never satisfies his perfectionist father; the less academic Eric responds to Sanford’s beatings by bullying Simon. Eric drifts into crime, but Simon resists pressure to follow suit, instead taking over Williams Manufacturing around the age of 20 after their father died, renaming it Williams Innovations. 

Simon’s inexperience in leadership lands the company in debt, partly because rival firm Stark Industries constantly out does them on the research and development front. Simon pins his hopes on developing a new missile targeting system for the United States government, but when novice hero Peter Parker, AKA Spider-Man, tries to stop the criminal Clint Barton, AKA Hawkeye, from stealing the system designs, their battle destroys the lab, pushing the company closer to bankruptcy. Simon turns to Eric, but his brother’s intimidation tactics fail to garner contracts. In desperation, Simon embezzles money, hoping to invest it in Eric’s Maggia ventures for a quick profit. Caught by the authorities, Simon admits his guilt.

Before his sentencing, Simon’s bail was paid by Asgardian sorceress Amora the Enchantress. Her ally, Nazi scientist Baron Heinrich Zemo, AKA Baron Zemo, offered Simon superhuman powers and a chance for revenge in return for helping Zemo’s Masters of Evil destroy the Avengers, who were funded by Simon’s rival Tony Stark (secretly Avengers founder Iron Man). Simon accepted, but after Zemo’s ionic ray treatments granted him superhuman strength and durability, Zemo revealed that the treatment would also kill Simon without weekly doses of an antidote. Believing Simon’s loyalty thus ensured, the Masters lured the Avengers into battle and Simon came to the heroes’ aid as Wonder Man. 

After the Masters fled, Simon asked to join the Avengers, who took him in and helped seek a cure for his terminal condition, just as Zemo had planned. Briefly snatched out of time to serve in Nathaniel Richards, AKA Kang the Conqueror’s Legion of the Unliving against a future incarnation of the Avengers, Simon was soon returned to his proper time by Immortus, with his departure unnoticed and his memories of the incident wiped. Touched by the Avengers’ concern and respect for him, Simon nevertheless lured them into the Masters’ ambush a few days later. When he realized Zemo would kill his captives rather than ransom them off as Simon had presumed, Simon switched sides, freeing the Avengers. The Masters fled, but Simon collapsed and seemingly died moments later, saying he was happy to have done one noble thing in his life. But that wasn’t the end of Wonder Man.


Works Wonders

Wonder Man’s ionic energy-permeated body has greatly enhanced strength (lift in excess of 100 tons), durability, reflexes and stamina. He is impervious to virtually any form of penetration wound, and does not tire. He does not require food, water or air, and does not age. 

He can fly at speeds in excess of 700 mph. He formerly wore a rocket belt or jetpack powered by his own ionic energies, but no longer requires these to fly. He can leap hundreds of feet from a standing jump, and discharge ionic energy on contact to disrupt others. For a time, he shifted into an energy form while using his powers, but his conventional physical form now seems to be his usual state. 

When his powers are destabilized, his strength increases when angry, and he can alter his physical appearance, grow to giant stature, fire energy beams from his eyes, explode and reform at will, and empower others with ionic energy; he has apparently lost these abilities for now. 

He can control his internal energy flux to make his eyes appear normal temporarily; his eyesight extends beyond the normal human visible spectrum, and his hearing is also enhanced. 


Gutless Wonders

At the start of Simon’s career as a superhuman, he works for the Masters of Evil against the Avengers. Though his time with them is short-lived and he joins the Avengers instead.

As an Avenger, Simon battles menaces such as the Blank, Graviton, and Maelstrom. He even helps talk the Vision out of staging a benevolent takeover of the world’s computer networks. Thanks to Simon, the Avengers overturned Victor von Doom, AKA Doctor Doom’s own brief conquest of the world.

Simon’s apparent demise causes his brother Eric to go mad with grief and become the costumed Grim Reaper. He blames the Avengers for his brother’s death. Attracted to his vendetta, Ultron copies Simon’s brain patterns and uses them to create the android Vision. The Grim Reaper nearly kills the Avengers but T’Challa, AKA Black Panther, thwarts him. The Grim Reaper later secures Simon’s body, which mutates into a new form, and with Ultron’s help revives him. As Simon becomes fully conscious, he joins the Avengers, but Eric decides that he and Vision are a mockery of his brother and attempts to kill them. He comes to realize that both Simon and Vision are truly his brothers, but flees in shame and falls to his death in the process.


Never Have to Wonder Who To Trust

Simon grows closer to his “brother” Vision, the android who shares his brain patterns; however, as they also shared similar tastes, he secretly fell in love with Wanda Maximoff, AKA Scarlet Witch, though he hid this, ashamed of his attraction to his sibling’s spouse. They share a tense relationship, especially after Vision is disassembled and Wanda asks him for his brain patterns to be used again, which he vehemently refuses to participate in. Wanda later goes mad and attacks Simon, but that resolves itself as does their relationship and they share a romance for a time.

While Simon joins the Avengers, he becomes a staunch ally but also a harsh critic. He does not always see eye to eye with the team’s decisions and leadership. When he leaves their ranks, he sometimes ferociously goes against them, even starting his own team to fight them, called the Revengers, and defeats Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. But he remains an ally through and through.

Simon finds friends amongst his peers on the Avengers, such as Carol Danvers, AKA Ms. Marvel, whose advice Simon sought in trying to work past his fears. He works alongside Hawkeye, a long-reformed Avengers veteran. Wonder Man also develops a strong friendship with the apelike Hank McCoy, AKA Beast, whose extroverted personality complements the more introspective Simon. Wonder Man considers Beast to be his best friend.

When Simon loses control of his ionic powers, eight people gain his abilities and create the team the Crazy 8 to stand in for him. He eventually regains his abilities from them, though two of the Crazy 8 secretly keep some of his powers for themselves.




380 lbs.




Red (permeated with shifting spots of ionic energy, no visible irises); formerly gray


Grey (dyed black)

Universe, Other Aliases, Education, Place of Origin, Identity, Known Relatives, Powers, Group Affiliation
  • Universe

  • Other Aliases

  • Education

  • Place of Origin

  • Identity

  • Powers

  • Group Affiliation

Time Works Wonders 

Simon had actually entered a deep state of hibernation as his ionic energies triggered a body-wide transformation. Unaware of this and hoping to restore him someday, the Avenger Henry Pym, AKA Giant-Man, hurriedly recorded Simon’s brain patterns and stored his body. Unable to accept Simon’s failings, Eric claimed responsibility for the embezzlement and blamed the Avengers for Simon’s death, targeting them as the costumed Grim Reaper. Intrigued by Simon’s story, Reaper’s robotic ally Ultron stole Simon’s brain patterns and used them to form the artificial mind of his android pawn, the Vision, who soon joined the Avengers. Initially embracing the Vision as his resurrected brother, the Reaper stole Simon’s inert body and offered to transfer the android’s mind into it, but the Vision declined. Still seeking vengeance, Eric paid the voodoun Samuel Barone, AKA Black Talon, to revive Simon’s body as a Zuvembie, a process which seemingly succeeded, albeit after a meddling Ultron secretly triggered Simon’s gradual mental and physical revival. Delivered to Avengers Mansion and instructed to slay the Avengers, Simon instead collapsed, and the heroes soon apprehended the Black Talon, though they remained unaware of Eric’s or Ultron’s involvement. The team kept Simon under observation in their mansion, monitoring his stabilizing life signs, until his consciousness fully awoke when the Living Laser temporarily used the Serpent Crown to take over Simon’s mind.

Simon remained with the Avengers while Vision’s wife Scarlet Witch tried to help him acclimatize, but the Vision himself proved hostile, his sense of identity shaken by the return of the man he had believed himself to be. His belief that the Vision was Simon similarly challenged, the Reaper captured the Avengers and put both men on trial, determined to identify his true brother and slay the imposter. The Vision admitted he had once hoped he was the true Simon Williams, but was now content to be his own, unique, person. Simon, meanwhile, revealed his newly glowing eyes, a visible sign of his now energy-permeated body. When the Vision hypothesized that Simon had stepped beyond humanity and that he and Simon were the true brothers, an enraged Eric decided to kill them all, but the mutated Simon proved resistant to Eric’s weapons and he easily subdued the Reaper. Wonder Man’s next opponent, however, made Simon question his apparent invulnerability: discovering Ultron’s attacks could hurt him, Simon was overwhelmed by a fear of dying again. He began freezing up in combat repeatedly, despite scientific studies indicating he was now a being of living energy and had not truly died the first time around. Soon after facing Ultron, Simon battled Erik Josten, AKA Power Man, who had also been empowered by Zemo’s ionic equipment, and then Count Nefaria, who copied and refined the process; both would become recurring opponents.

Simon grew closer to Vision while falling for Scarlet Witch, but hid his feelings. He made other friends such as Avenger Carol Danvers and X-Man Hank McCoy. When the Avengers and Earth-691’s 31st century’s Guardians of the Galaxy faced the cosmically powerful Korvac, who killed most of the heroes with ease, Wonder Man finally overcame his death phobia and attacked; though Simon fell as well, his relentless onslaught gave the surviving heroes a vital chance to rally, and all the fallen heroes were later restored by their foe. Despite nearly dying a second time, and occasional brief relapses of fear when reminded of his own mortality, Simon was never again ruled by the terror of dying.

A cinema trip with the Beast inspired Simon to do something beyond living off his Avengers stipend, and he decided to become an actor. When the government ordered the Avengers to limit their team size to seven members, Simon moved out, though he was granted formal membership in the team’s reserves and pardoned for his past crimes.

He landed his first acting role as the lead in an off-Broadway play, City of Angst, by a producer who hoped having an Avenger in the cast would boost box office; however, Simon’s complete lack of training saw the play close the same night it opened, leaving Simon a laughingstock. The only acting job Simon could get was that of “Mr. Muscles” on cable’s The Uncle Elmer Show, as the fur-clad “caveman” victim of Elmer’s abusive jokes. He began assisting the Avengers more often, fighting the Taskmaster, Red Ronin (during which battle he earned a lifelong fan by rescuing teenager Cindy Knutz), and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Joining the Avengers full time to replace the departing Sam Wilson, AKA Falcon, Simon lost his acting job after accidentally humiliating Uncle Elmer’s star, Waylon Wilkie, during filming. He soon landed the lead on Ted Silverberg’s television show, Monster Man; however, the series was canned midseason after Ben Grimm, AKA the Thing, unhappy about Monster Man being based on him, discovered the alien Xemnu was using the show as a means of mind control. When the Avengers reorganized and reduced their roster again, Simon quit the team and departed with fellow ex-Avenger Heracles, AKA Hercules, who offered to introduce him to Hollywood directors and producers.

Hercules’ contacts proved unreliable, however, and Simon remained in New York, struggling to pay his rent. When the Vision lost an arm, Simon provided an energy transfusion that saved his life, battling the Grim Reaper yet again as a result. Simon’s career finally turned around when his agent booked him on a popular network talk show, on the condition that Simon brought along some fellow Avengers; when the show’s taping was attacked by rogue inventor Fabian Stankowicz, Simon helped defeat Fabian. A West Coast producer saw Simon in action and tracked him down, locating him soon after he had lost his latest job as a Cordco Incorporated security troubleshooter, offering him stunt work in films such as the unfinished The Demon That Devoured Hollywood and Decimator 2. Simon soon gained his own fanclub, the Wonderfans, who followed his every career move.

Simon relocated to Los Angeles, where Hawkeye invited him to join the Avengers’ new West Coast roster. Dividing his time between his movie career and battling menaces like Blank, Graviton, and Maelstrom, Simon helps talk the Vision out of taking over the world’s computer networks. Soon afterward, the Avengers stopped Victor von Doom, AKA Doctor Doom from conquering the world, largely because Wonder Man proved immune to the mind-control pheromones of Doom’s pawn, Zebediah Killgrave, AKA Purple Man.

Eric returned, plotting to copy both Simon and the Vision’s minds, delete all but the shared memories, and then download this “pure” Simon into a zombie of criminal Brady Kent, surgically altered to resemble a pre-superhuman Simon. Confronting the Reaper alongside Vision, Wonder Man finally convinced Eric that he was the real Simon by revealing he knew Eric had falsely taken the blame for Simon’s embezzling; fleeing in shame, Eric fell to his death, but soon returned as a zombie to plague Simon anew.

Craving absolution, Simon confessed his embezzlement on television. His confidence was boosted by the public’s favorable response, and as a result of his newfound fame, he was offered the role of leading villain in the A-list movie Arkon IV. The normally insecure Simon became cocky and arrogant, no longer willing to play second string either on screen or off. His ego caused problems when he repeatedly challenged both Hawkeye and Iron Man’s leadership during a time travel mission, and he considered quitting the Avengers. 

Returning home, Simon drew unwanted attention from the hell-lord Mephisto when the demon clashed with the Avengers and X-Men; Mephisto noted Simon’s immortal status and stained soul with interest. Simon finally regained some perspective after defeating Tyrannus (in the Emil Blonsky, AKA Abomination’s body), only to find his show biz peers assuming it had been a publicity stunt. Humbled, Simon stayed on with the Avengers, battling the giant Yetrigar, Hungary’s People’s Security Forces, the High Evolutionary’s Sensors, the Night Shift and Garthan Saal, AKA Super-Nova.

Meanwhile, Immortus was manipulating events to turn the Scarlet Witch into his reality-altering tool. The coalition of intelligence agencies, “Vigilance,” kidnapped and disassembled the Vision; he was quickly rebuilt, but his mind had been wiped. Partly because of his secret love for Wanda, Simon refused to let his brain be used as a template to restore the android’s personality. Wanda was enraged at his decision, and Simon felt increasingly guilty as a series of new misfortunes further traumatized her, notably the seeming loss of her children. Hoping to ease her pain, Simon agreed to let his brain patterns be replicated; however, the now seemingly emotionless Vision rejected the offer, noting this would merely create a new copy of Simon, not restore the old Vision. 

Descending into outright criminal insanity under the influence of her father Max Eisenhardt, AKA Magneto, Wanda turned on the Avengers, seemingly killing Simon, then restoring him to life and sexually assaulting him. Believing Wanda was finally ready for his purposes, Immortus revealed his involvement and plans, only to have them thwarted when the witch Agatha Harkness restored Wanda’s sanity. Simon was supportive of Wanda during her subsequent recovery, but she eventually made it clear that his romantic interest in her was not mutual, and relations between them became more tense.

Under the watchful eye of his agent Neal Saroyan (also secretly head of the Nobility assassins’ group), Simon got parts in films such as Damage Control: The Movie, but serious roles still eluded him. Neal set him up with an unwanted sidekick, Esteban Beach, AKA Spider, and a fake girlfriend, Spider’s sister Ginger, though Simon was more interested in screenwriter Alex Flores. Regarding Simon as a threat to her operations, would-be LA crime lord Lotus Newmark swore to destroy him. When a Kree/Shi’ar interstellar war menaced Earth, the Avengers intervened; during the conflict, Simon tried and failed to disarm a Nega-Bomb, but its detonation wiped out much of the Kree Empire. Caught in the blast, Simon and Vision survived, but the radiation rendered Simon’s powers unstable. 

Returning to Earth, he began leaking ionic energy, unintentionally empowering the rage-filled Angkor and eight of his own friends and neighbors, including Spider, Ginger and Alex. Simon’s eight empowered associates briefly formed the crime-fighting team Crazy 8. Simon had to kill Angkor to stop him, embracing his own rage and learning that it fueled his unstable powers. During this period of growing instability, Simon also accidentally killed murderous criminal Freddie Munson.

Wonder Man quit the Avengers and was going to give up acting, but changed his mind when Neal promised him the lead in a big-screen version of Hamlet, unaware Lotus had arranged it to get Simon out of LA while she took over, challenging the hegemony of the West Coast’s strongest crime lords, the highly secretive Pride. When the Crazy 8 opposed her, Lotus sent Splice and Stuart Clarke, AKA Rampage, to kill them. Simon returned in time to save most of his friends, but Alex was critically injured, forcing Simon to reconsider his recent actions. Mephisto then assailed Simon with illusions and fake memories to weaken his will; one illusion revealed how Lotus had been involved in much of Simon’s recent woes. Mephisto’s ambitious son, Blackheart, interfered, and alongside Eric, Simon became a pawn in both their games and was drawn into Hell, but Simon ultimately rejected both demons, and convinced Blackheart to heal Alex. Back on Earth, he reabsorbed his ionic energy from the Crazy 8, stripping most of them of their powers. 

Soon after, he and Alex became engaged, and he unwittingly nearly uncovered Pride's existence, though the crimelords diverted him in an unspecified manner. Learning the Avengers’ western roster had disbanded in his absence, Simon joined Iron Man’s new Force Works group, only to be targeted by Kree forces blaming him for the Nega-Bomb disaster. When the Kree’s ion cannon ruptured during this battle, Simon carried it into space to save Earth, seemingly dying when it exploded.

Simon survived as discorporated energy, holding onto life through his love for Wanda. When the sorceress Morgan le Fay used Wanda as a conduit to reshape the world, the imprisoned Wanda reached out for help, and her powers re-formed Simon as pure ionic energy. He helped defeat Morgan, and over the next few months Wanda summoned him repeatedly, each time finding it easier, until he manifested to protect her even when she was rendered unconscious. A ghostly Grim Reaper raised Simon and other dead Avengers, compelling them to attack the living Avengers, but Wanda restored the dead heroes’ true personalities and they turned against Eric. Also, by finally accepting her own long-repressed love for Simon, Wanda restored him to full life; he, in turn, resurrected Eric. Simon began working with the Avengers again but declined fully active status, feeling unworthy of the group and his new life due to his various past misdeeds and mistakes.

Simon’s new romance with Wanda strained his relationship with the Vision, who had recently regained his capacity for emotion, including his feelings for her. Simon also felt guilty over unfinished business left from before he died, notably his engagement to Alex. Accompanied by the Beast, he returned to LA to make amends for endangering and depowering his friends, but found nobody blamed him, and he discovered Alex was happily married. After apprehending Lotus, Simon met his fan Cindy Knutz, who told him how much he had changed her life; inspired by this, Simon set up a non-profit Second Chances foundation to help those overwhelmed by circumstances beyond their control. 

Returning from LA, he was ambushed by Count Nefaria, now both an ionic being and an energy vampire; Nefaria took control of both Simon and Atlas (Josten), planning to explode a Nega-Bomb which would turn humanity into ionic beings upon whom he could feast. Simon and Atlas escaped his control in time to carry the bomb into space, and this time Simon survived the explosion. Simon moved to LA, the long-distance relationship eventually ending his involvement with Wanda; hiring a new agent, he also returned to acting. Briefly kidnapped by the cosmic Stranger (posing as the Beyonder), Simon joined other kidnapped superhumans on the Stranger’s Battleworld until one abductee, Michael Collins, AKA Deathlok, struck a deal which got the others returned home.

Wonder Man later accepted a challenge to reform the assassin Lady Killer, unaware this was part of a ploy by Saroyan’s Nobility assassins’ group to destroy the Avengers. Simon’s charge, renamed Ladyfair, accompanied him to an Avengers party, where Neal had her poison the drinks; however, she resisted Neal’s control long enough to prevent anyone imbibing, and committed suicide to escape Neal’s control. Simon flew to LA to confront Neal, but found him already slain by his own people. 

After the Superhuman Registration Act (SHRA) was passed, Simon filmed advertisements encouraging other heroes to sign up. Finding himself increasingly attracted to Ms. Marvel, he teamed with her to capture anti-registration rebel and former teammate Julia Carpenter, AKA Arachne, arresting Julia in front of her daughter Rachel. Intelligence agency S.H.I.E.L.D. also blackmailed him into helping them investigate Atlantean subversives during the conflict, and Simon fought alongside other pro-registration heroes against Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America’s anti-SHRA forces. In the aftermath of this “civil war,” Simon found his heightened profile as a Super Hero was making it harder for people to treat him as a serious actor; with his agent trying to push him into reality TV, Simon instead joined Iron Man’s new SHRA-licensed Avengers. He and Carol also tried to make amends with Arachne, reuniting her with Rachel and arranging a pardon in return for Julia joining Canada’s Omega Flight; despite taking the job, Julia rejected their apologies. 

Simon then revealed to Carol that he was attracted to her, though she remained uncertain whether to become involved with him, and alongside the Avengers he helped set up the new Avengers Initiative Super Hero training program, unsuccessfully pursued Luke Cage’s fugitive anti-SHRA Avengers, and battled Ultron, alien Symbiotes and Doctor Doom. Having offered to also assist Carol’s Lightning Storm team as often as he could, he helped them race A.I.M. to retrieve a G-Tac Scrambler gene bomb; when M.O.D.O.K. of Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.) seized control of Simon’s body and had him attack Carol, she broke M.O.D.O.K.’s hold by kissing Simon, but later refused to discuss this with him, asking for time to think. 

When Bruce Banner, AKA the Hulk, angrily returned from interstellar exile leading an army of alien Warbound gladiators, Simon and the other Avengers were briefly captured, but the Hulk was ultimately defeated.

When Carol went missing following a battle with Cru, Simon—unaware Carol was seeing William Wagner, secretly a Skrull agent—joined Lightning Storm in tracking her down, finding her battling the Brood on Japan’s Monster Island. Soon after a Skrull agent destroyed Lightning Storm’s Minicarrier base, killing many of their support personnel, and Wagner went missing; feeling her world coming apart around her, and desperate to avoid responsibility for a few hours, Carol slept with Simon. A full scale Skrull invasion began soon afterwards, and Simon joined the Avengers, both SHRA and rebel, in battling it; though the invaders were defeated, Simon’s fellow Avenger Janet Van Dyne, AKA the Wasp, was slain, insane criminal Norman Osborn, AKA Green Goblin, rode a wave of public support after slaying the Skrull Queen Veranke to be appointed head of the Initiative and S.H.I.E.L.D.’s replacement H.A.M.M.E.R., and Iron Man became a fugitive after refusing to release registered heroes’ secret identities to Norman. Angry with Osborn’s rise to power and sickened by violence being used to administer justice, on a Tonight Show spot Simon revealed his disillusionment and berated the U.S. public, telling them they had gotten what they deserved by empowering Osborn. 

With his popularity plummeting, Simon’s agent dropped him, and he lost several endorsement deals. Seeing an opportunity to further discredit Iron Man’s Avengers by associating Simon with notorious criminals, and then bolster his own ersatz Avengers’ popularity by capturing them, Osborn recruited the Grim Reaper; the Reaper convinced the depressed Simon to join the Lethal Legion, anti-Osborn villains who hoped to bring Norman down. Convincing himself he could moderate the group’s activities, and perhaps even influence some of them towards reforming, Simon agreed, helping them kidnap Osborn, but with Reaper’s covert assistance, Osborn’s Avengers soon captured the Legion. Remaining unaware of his brother’s betrayal, Simon accepted his subsequent imprisonment on the Raft, feeling he was getting what he deserved for his mistakes. 

Simon became embittered with the Avengers and formed his own team, dubbed the Revengers. He recruits Eddie Brock, AKA Venom, Dennis Dunphy, AKA Demolition Man, Ethan Edwards, Tom Foster, AKA Goliath, Atlas, Eric Payne, AKA Devil-Slayer, and Griffin Golgol, AKA Captain Ultra. With this team, their goal was to stop the Avengers, whom they defeated in a targeted attack on Avengers Mansion. Their next stop was Avengers Tower where Iron Man trapped Simon, and Thor transported everyone to another location where they fought the Revengers alongside the New Avengers. The Revengers lost the confrontation and were arrested. 

Simon later redeemed himself with the Avengers by helping them rescue the Wasp from the Microverse. He joined their Avengers Unity Division which was tasked with uniting the humans and mutants. Simon revealed that he stopped solving problems with brute force and instead became a pacifist.

When the X-Man Rogue absorbed the powers of several heroes including Simon, she accidentally absorbed his mind into hers. She used his powers in the fight against Johann Shmidt, AKA Red Skull, and helped the X-Men when the merry mutants prepped for war with the Avengers after an Inversion spell was cast by Wanda and Doctor Doom. Despite her efforts to release his consciousness from her mind, it wasn’t until she kissed Deadpool that he was finally expelled, thanks to his extreme healing factor.

During the War of the Realms, Simon joins the Asgardian Balder to protect his sister Laussa Odinsdottir from the Dark Elf Malekith. They went on a road trip and on the way, Simon destroyed a bridge to prevent Ares from following, who was on an errand from Sindr, Queen of Cinders. Simon and Laussa ended up in Six Gun Territory where they met Death Locket and suffered an attack from Phantom Rider. There, the Hel-pup Thori revealed to Simon that Laussa was more of a sister to Sindr versus Balder.