Avengers: Standoff (Hardcover)

Avengers: Standoff (Hardcover)

Avengers: Standoff (Hardcover)

  • Published

    March 17, 2010

Thor has answered the Avengers' call to action from day one, but the god of thunder has an even higher responsibility: to his worshippers. The Thunderer responds to entreaties from a dicatorship's denizens in a part of the world bad enough to have Doctor Doom for a neighbor! But not everyone's in favor of divine intervention, and it's Secretary of Defense Iron Man's job to get the god out - leaving Captain America to play referee between two of the world's biggest super-powers! Do the Avengers have a prayer of weathering this storm? Featuring She-Hulk, the Falcon, the Enchantress, the Warriors Three and more! Collecting AVENGERS (1998) #62-64, THOR (1998) #58 AND IRON MAN (1998) #64. Rated T ...$24.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-4467-0

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  • Format:Hardcover
  • UPC:5960614467-00111
  • FOC Date:February 11, 2010

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