All-New X-Men (Trade Paperback)

All-New X-Men (Trade Paperback)

All-New X-Men (Trade Paperback)

  • Published

    September 02, 2015

The time-displaced young X-Men continue to adjust to a present day that's more awe-inspiring and disturbing than they could ever have imagined! But will a tragic history repeat itself when Mastermind targets Jean Grey? And as one of their number departs to join the adult Cyclops' crew of revolutionaries, the teens encounter the Uncanny Avengers - and young Cyclops meets the adult version of his brother, Havok! Then, in the fallout from BATTLE OF THE ATOM, Kitty Pryde and the All-New X-Men's faith in Wolverine's Jean Grey School has been completely eroded - so where have they gone, instead, and what will they do? And how will the teens react to their newest member, the ferocious X-23? Collecting ALL-NEW X-MEN #11-15 and #18-21, and X-MEN: GOLD #1

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