Creator Spotlight


Dive into the works of writer Jonathan Hickman as we take you through his Marvel reading chronology!

Suggested Reading Order

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In Secret Warriors (2009) #1

Nick Fury trains the next generation of super heroes – before they can become super villains! Guaranteed you’ll fall in love with this cast of conflicted characters.

Solve Everything

In Fantastic Four (1998) #570

Reed Richards teams up with versions of himself from countless realities to help make the world a “better place”.

Great Minds

In S.H.I.E.L.D. (2010) #1

Hickman takes us inside the centuries-spanning secret history of the planet’s premiere protection force!

Friendly Neighborhood First Family

In FF (2011) #1

The Amazing Spider-Man joins the Future Foundation to defend the innocent and foster the geniuses of tomorrow!

Avengers NOW!

In Avengers (2012) #1

Captain America and Iron Man assemble the largest team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes yet as catastrophe looms on the horizon. One of our favorite team lineups ever!

The Illuminati

In New Avengers (2013) #1

Black Panther is inducted into a cabal of Marvel’s top heroes as a guardian of reality!

Infinity Event

In Infinity (2013) #1

Thanos leads his Black Order across the universe in a quest to kill all of his offspring as an offering to Lady Death! Try the entire event as a Reading List!

Time Runs Out

In Secret Wars (2015) #1

The multiverse implodes and only the patchwork planet of Battleworld remains! Can the disparate surviving heroes restore reality to what it once was? Try the Secret Wars Reading List!

Hickman’s Ultimate Universe

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In Ultimate Comics Thor (2010) #1

The spellbinding origin of Ultimate Thor and the Ultimate Asgardians!

Spider-Man No More

In Ultimate Fallout (2011) #2

In the wake of Ultimate Peter Parker’s death, his friends, family, and fellow heroes console one another and grieve. The series that introduced Spider-Man: Miles Morales!

No More Mutants

In Ultimate Comics Hawkeye (2011) #1

Nick Fury recruits Hawkeye to retrieve a serum that has the potential to eliminate every mutant in existence!

Ultimates’ Last Stand

In Ultimate Comics Ultimates (2011) #1

Tragedies throughout the world have the Ultimates spread thin as the team hurtles towards its breaking point!