Looking to catch up on some of our top picks of the year? Try any of these Unlimited series that debuted in 2019, and join us for another year of binge-reading in an all-new decade!
In Avengers No Road Home (2019) #1
Want some popcorn Avengers action? Try this ten-issue series starring Nyx, the Goddess of Night, as she lays waste to Hercules’ Greek pantheon of gods. And when Conan the Barbarian show up, you might not be ready for the rumble…
In Black Cat (2019) #1
As alluring as its protagonist, ‘Black Cat’ gives the burglarizing Felicia Hardy her much overdue spotlight. And this time she’s not working alone! If you’re looking for some fluffy fun, here’s your ticket.
In Captain Marvel (2019) #1
Carol Danvers reenters Earth’s atmosphere… and this time she’s sticking around! Too bad her return is marked by Manhattan’s Roosevelt Island being turned into apocalyptic wasteland. Keep reading for the debut of 2019’s breakout character—Star! She’s a media-hungry hero with more secrets than a tabloid rag.
In Daredevil (2019) #1
Matt Murdock outruns public judgement after Daredevil takes the blame for a criminal’s death. Years of trauma catch up to the guardian of Hell’s Kitchen, and with his absence in the neighborhood, the real devils are free to roam.
In Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #1
We “THWIP” for this slice-of-life series featuring Peter Parker as the best/worst neighbor ever. Replete with property damage and supervillain drama. Also charming as all get-out.
In Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #1
In the aftermath of the Infinity Wars, Thanos is dead. Silver Surfer, Beta Ray Bill, Moon Dragon, Cosmic Ghost Rider and more address this power vacuum as the most ragtag Guardians yet. From Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw, the creative team behind THANOS WINS!
In Infinity Wars Prime (2018) #1
As the Infinity Stones come to Earth, so too comes the war to control them—with Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, Loki and more on the front lines! Marvel’s space-faring factions face the chaotic music as the mysterious Requiem warps reality itself. Try the event’s Reading List!
In Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter Mdo Digital Comic (2019) #1
We can’t offer enough praise for this gorgeously illustrated psycho-thriller. Creators Kelly Thompson and Mattia De Iulis are a dream team as they take Jessica Jones through a waking nightmare. After their daughter comes home with purple skin, Jess and Luke Cage suspect the worst—either the Purple Man is alive, or Dani has been his child all along.
In Magnificent Ms. Marvel (2019) #1
Eisner Award–winner Saladin Ahmed and rising star Minkyu Jung take the reins of one of the decade’s breakout stars. When aliens infiltrate Kamala Khan’s corner of the world, Ms. Marvel’s already weird life gets a whole lot weirder.
In Marvel Comics Presents (2019) #1
This anthology series spans 80 years of Marvel mythos, covering Golden Age Invaders to all-new superstars like White Fox. From the 1940s-today, you’ll be treated to 8 individual tales, all in honor of Marvel’s milestone anniversary.
In Old Man Quill (2019) #1
Decades from now, the man who once was Star-Lord is down and out, haunted by a tragedy that has robbed his existence of meaning. But the former Guardians of the Galaxy pull him out of his funk for one last mission—one that takes him to the vast Wastelands of a transformed Earth…
In Silver Surfer: Black (2019) #1
After being sucked through a black hole, Silver Surfer floats in an abyss that is siphoning his Power Cosmic… until he crash lands on an alien planet that is home to the Symbiote’s Elder God. Don’t miss this psychotropic voyage!
In Spider-Man: Life Story (2019) #1
A can’t-miss for history buffs! Chip Zdarsky and legend Mark Bagley tell Spider-Man’s entire story from beginning to end, set against the key events of the decades through which he lived! From the Vietnam War to Secret Wars and Civil War, prepare to watch Peter Parker age through 57 years of groundbreaking lore.
In Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions (2019) #1
Learn about the many facets of the man behind the black-chromed helmet in this series of one-off tales starring the galaxy’s greatest “villain”. From knight in shining armor, to romantic lead, get a glimpse of all that makes up Vader in this great-for-new-readers series.
In Thanos (2019) #1
If you fell in love with Thanos from the big screen, then you’ll be sadistically overjoyed by this splashy series. Ideal for new comic fans, this run covers Gamora’s earliest history with the Mad Titan.
In War of the Realms (2019) #1
Try the Reading List today! The art by Russell Dauterman and Matt Wilson in this event is imaginative and boldly cinematic. Culminating in over a decade of comic storylines, Dark Elf Malekith uses his Black Bifrost to lay siege to Midgard with a cross-Realm army of Elves, Frost Giants and Trolls.