Artist Spotlight


Italian artist Sara Pichelli has brought her unique style to Marvel since her work on 2008's NYX: No Way Home series. Since then, Sara has become a rising star at Marvel, including a renowned run with Brian Michael Bendis on Ultimate Comics Spider-Man. Be sure to check out her art on the pages of All-New X-Men!

Best of Sara Pichelli

"Mollifest Destiny"

In Runaways (2008) #10

Pichelli began her run on Runaways with "Mollifest Destiny", the issue that explored the Runaways place in the Marvel U after the events of Utopia. In other words, Molly Hayes travels to San Francisco to pester Wolverine.


In Runaways (2008) #14

Pichelli was the interior artist for the last issue of the Runaways series. Could this be the return of Gertrude Yorkes? Check out Pichelli's dreamy art colored by Christina Strain.

Miles Morales, Ultimate Spider-Man

In Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #5

Pichelli was the first artist to draw Miles Morales, Ultimate Spider-Man. As Miles continues his journey to becoming Spider-Man, he must take on a figure from Peter Parker's past. Miles Morales vs. Jessica Drew, Spider-Woman!

Ultimate Venom

In Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #19

Sara Pichelli returns to Ultimate Spider-Man with this issue. Miles Morales has a Spider-Man suit complete with web shooters, plus a new villain hot on his trail. Introducing Ultimate Venom!


In Spider-Men (2012) #1

In the Spider-Men series, Miles Morales teams-up with Peter Parker. Pichelli provides interior art for Brian Michael Bendis' script.

Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy

In Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #4

Pichelli joins writer Brian Michael Bendis yet again, as she provides cover and interior art for her first issue on Guardians of the Galaxy. What secrets is Gamora keeping from the rest of her team? And will her lack of disclosure put her, and the Guardians, in harm's way?

Enter Angela

In Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #5

During her acclaimed run on Guardians of the Galaxy, Pichelli introduced Angela to the Marvel Universe. Who is Angela? And why is she committed to destroying the Guardians?

Trial of Jean Grey

In Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #13

Pichelli finishes her run on Guardians with the explosive conclusion to Trial of Jean Grey. Don't miss this All-New X-Men/Guardians crossover!

The New Ms. Marvel

In Ms. Marvel (2014) #1

Introducing Kamala Khan, the new Ms. Marvel! Pichelli provided cover art for the first issue in this fan-favorite series.