Character Close Up


The clothes we wear present the world with an external look at our internal mindset. And in the case of super-folks, costuming goes a long way towards letting people know not only which side you’re on, but your abilities too. In her 40-plus years of comics history, Elektra Natchios—warrior, silent assassin, and Daredevil—has offered glimpses of her truest self through iconic and varied looks.


College Daze

In Daredevil: The Man Without Fear (1993) #3

About a decade after she debuted, Elektra's early history with Matt Murdock was explored in this origin by Frank Miller and John Romita Jr. Presented as a rich young woman with a dangerous sense of adventure, she often dressed in the latest fashions. But when the voices in her head called for blood, Elektra went out into the New York night with her own take on “activewear.”

First Appearance

In Daredevil (1964) #168

Always one to prefer function over form, Elektra donned a red one-shoulder body suit with matching boots, gloves, and wraps around her legs and arms in her Marvel debut by Frank Miller. She wore that same uniform in DAREDEVIL #181 and issue #190 which featured her death at the hands of Bullseye, and resurrection, respectively.

Seeing Red

In Elektra (1996) #1

In the 90s when just about every character shook up their look (including Daredevil), Elektra kept hers consistent. The biggest change was to cover both shoulders. Even the Skrulls knew to use the red costume when they replaced Elektra during their infiltration of Earth. Natchios has since stuck with the iconic look as a vigilante and as a member of the Heroes for Hire, Thunderbolts, and the Avengers Unity Squad.

Nights in White

In Daredevil (1964) #190

While the assassin has a clear preference for red, Elektra has mixed up the color palette on occasion. After her resurrection in issue #190, she switched over to an all-white version of her classic silhouette. This symbolically pure period did not last long.

Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2016) #8

During another period when Natchios felt the need to make amends for her past, she went legit in AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. (2016) #8-10. After the second Super Hero Civil War made Agent Phil Coulson a traitor, Elektra took over his team, sussed out a traitor, and got a new uniform all at the same time.

Back to Black

In Elektra (2017) #1

Shortly after leaving S.H.I.E.L.D., Elektra starred in this Las Vegas-set limited series where she gets mixed up with the notorious villain Arcade. Keeping the darker color scheme, she wore a sleeveless black suit with red embellishments including a scarf-mask combo. Plus a gauntlet on her right arm that attached to a grappling hook.

Woman Without Fear

In Daredevil (2019) #25

After Daredevil was found guilty of murder, Elektra volunteered to keep Hell's Kitchen safe. She even accepted Matt Murdock’s challenge to embrace the light instead of the darkness by doing so as Daredevil. This resulted in the most drastic change in attire to date. Read through the complete 2019 run and continue with the DEVIL’S REIGN event!