Uncover the saga of Gamora, the Most Dangerous Woman in the Galaxy! The sole survivor of the Zen-Whoberi race, Gamora rose from the fiercest and favored daughter of Thanos to a Guardian of the Galaxy!
When Gamora discovers her adoptive father’s plans of an interstellar genocide, Thanos pulverizes Gamora, leaving her on the brink of death. Her life is preserved by Adam Warlock and his Soul Gem – a lifelong friendship is born!
Gamora incurs the wrath of Thanos at one of his rallies. But beneath his armored façade, will Gamora uncover the truth about the man she once called father?
Star-Lord assembles the Guardians to protect a weakened universe – and wants the deadly Gamora to be on his side! Will ex-boyfriend Nova convince Gamora to abandon her violent past?