Creator Spotlight


The veteran X-Men and Spirits of Vengeance writer shares his favorite comics with you! Pick up Victor and David Baldeón’s Spirits of Vengeance this fall to read the unholy alliance between Hellstorm, Satana and Blade as they join Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze to prevent all-out war between Heaven and Hell!

Victor’s Must-Read Moments

Frank Miller's Daredevil

In Daredevil (1964) #158

In case there's still a man, woman or child who isn't aware of Miller's amazing run on Daredevil (#158-191), I'll mention it here. This book was my first exposure to "comic book noir" and was very influential on my own writing.

Power Man & Iron Fist or “The 1970s ‘Sweet Christmas!’ Run”

In Power Man and Iron Fist (1978) #50

I love street-level heroes. These guys have each had their own shows on Netflix, but I've always thought they were at their best when together.

Howard the Duck (1976)

In Howard the Duck (1976) #1

Because everyone needs at least one off-the-wall book on their pull list. As a kid, this book hit my sweet spot over and over again. No disrespect to any of the newer incarnations, but you're gonna want that 1970s vibe.

John Byrne's Fantastic Four

In Fantastic Four (1961) #232

In my humble opinion, this was both John Byrne and the Fantastic Four peaking at the same time, (read through #232-295). Your mileage may vary. The opposite of "street-level," these were big stories and big fun.

Greg Pak & Fred Van Lente’s Hercules

In Incredible Hercules (2008) #113

I don't really even remember how I stumbled over this one because I never really had any feelings either way for Hercules as a character. But Pak and Van Lente's writing is so sharp and fun, that I was immediately sucked in. "Maceindaface" is still my favorite sound effect.