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Who are the children of Scarlet Witch and Vision? Read up on Young Avengers Wiccan and Speed from their birth, first Super Hero series, and major events!


Birth and Origin

In Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1985) #12

Wanda Maximoff desired nothing more than an everyday life with her husband Vision, so she had a surprisingly normal childbirth. And by normal we do mean “mystical.” While Wanda went into labor in the final issue of the couple’s solo series, her brother-in-law Wonder Man and Magneto teamed up to keep the Grim Reaper, Nekra, and a zombified Simon Williams from interrupting. And, Doctor Strange was on hand to deliver.

Connection to Mephisto

In West Coast Avengers (1985) #51

Master Pandemonium was a Hollywood executive who got into a near-fatal car wreck that tore off his right arm. Why is this relevant? Well, since hell-lord Mephisto is never one to pass up an opportunity to collect, he shows up to the wreckage to replace Master Pandemonium's arms with “demons” in exchange for his soul. Demons that look an awful lot like twin baby boys...


In West Coast Avengers (1985) #52

Even before Master Pandemonium showed up to do Mephisto’s dirty work, fellow mystic Agatha Harkness had her doubts about Scarlet Witch’s ability to spin life out of thin air. Immediately after the twins’ reabsorption by Mephisto, Wanda taught the world that she means business when it comes to her kids. This moment also inspired Agatha to “erase” the children from Wanda’s memory, sparing her the trauma of their loss.

Becoming Young Avengers

In Young Avengers (2005) #1

Speed the speedster and Wiccan the witch become teen heroes! In a bit of a twist, Billy and Tommy’s souls were not destroyed by Mephisto. Instead, the boys overpowered the demon with their mother’s influence. Their freed souls come into existence years later, but make no mistake: Billy and Tommy are their mom’s children. Iron Lad’s effort to halt Kang the Conqueror assembles the Young Avengers—and leads to a reunion!

"The Lost Boys"

In Young Avengers Presents (2008) #3

In this origin recap issue, Billy and Tommy confront the demon with a mountain-sized grudge against the Scarlet Witch. But the twins aren't the only ones looking for their mother...

Search for Scarlet Witch

In Avengers: The Children's Crusade (2010) #1

When the Avengers learn that Billy’s hex powers prove to be just as powerful if not more potent than his mother's, a mission is kicked off to locate the missing Scarlet Witch. This family and friend affair in AVENGERS: THE CHILDREN’S CRUSADE involved Magneto, Quicksilver, and the rest of the Young Avengers. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the X-Men learn the (frightening) extent of Wanda’s reach.

Style > Substance

In Young Avengers (2013) #1

The adventures of Wiccan and Speed continued in this fan-favorite run. When they weren’t fighting an interdimensional reality-altering parasite, this Young Avengers team was up against teen spirit. Creators Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie, and Matt Wilson reinvent the super-team with new members Kid Loki, Prodigy, and America Chavez.

All Grown Up

In Lords of Empyre: Emperor Hulkling (2020) #1

So, where are the kids today? Thankfully, they’re functioning adults and in loving relationships! Following a stint as Avengers, Billy and Tommy became bona fide A-team. Wiccan became space royalty with his marriage to Young Avenger Hulkling in the EMPYRE event, and Speed is in a (recently) confirmed relationship with former New X-Man Prodigy!