

Wolverine is the best there is at what he does, and most of Logan's variants from across the Multiverse can claim the same. Across countless worlds, Wolverine stands as an enduring figure, even in apocalyptic futures where he outlived the X-Men. Meet Old Man Logan, Ultimate Wolverine, Jane Howlett, Captain Jim Logan, and more of the various Wolverine variants from across the Marvel Multiverse.

A Wealth of Wolverines

Old Man Logan

In Old Man Logan (2016) #1

In a world where the villains won, Old Man Logan retired from the hero life—until the death of his family sent him down the path of revenge.

Days of Future Past Wolverine

In Uncanny X-Men (1963) #141

In this dark future, Wolverine was one of the last X-Men standing. Days of Future Past Logan helped the surviving X-Men send Kate "Kitty" Pryde's consciousness back in time to stop the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants from killing Senator Kelly.

Age of Apocalypse Wolverine

In X-Men: Alpha (1995) #1

In a timeline where Professor X's untimely death led Apocalypse to conquer the world, Logan became Weapon X, an on-again, off-again member of Magneto's X-Men and occasional villain.

Ultimate Wolverine

In Ultimate X-Men (2001) #1

Like his Marvel Universe counterpart, Ultimate Wolverine fought alongside Nick Fury during World War II before joining the Weapon X Project. After escaping, he joined Magneto's Brotherhood and infiltrated the X-Men to kill Professor X, only to undergo a change of heart.

Wolverine: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In What If? (1989) #7

This Wolverine joined S.H.I.E.L.D. instead of the X-Men, but he still managed to make Professor X's dream of peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants a reality.

Jane Howlett

In Weapon X-Men (2024) #1

After she avenged her family in the wake of their murder, Jane Howlett became an adventurer and went on missions like hunting a Wendigo with Ulysses Bloodstone.

Zombie Wolverine

In Ultimate Fantastic Four (2003) #22

After he was bitten by zombified Captain America and Hawkeye, Logan's healing factor became overwhelmed by the zombie virus, leaving him with an endless hunger for flesh. Zombie Wolverine was one of the heroes who successfully attacked and ate the Silver Surfer and Galactus, which gave him part of their cosmic power.

Wolverine Noir

In Wolverine Noir (2009) #1

In the hard-boiled world of Marvel Noir, Wolverine was Captain Jim Logan: a private detective, bootlegger, and experienced fighter with swords and claw weapons.

Wolverine: Lord of the Vampires

In What If? (1989) #24

After killing Dracula, this Wolverine became Lord of the Vampires and led an army of vampire mutants.

Governor General James Howlett

In Astonishing X-Men (2004) #44

In a reality modeled after the start of the 20th century, Governor General James Howlett oversaw the Dominion of Canada and was one of his world's greatest heroes. Howlett's partner, Hercules, gave him adamantine metal, an unbreakable Olympian creation that was eventually bonded to his bones.

Nova 2099

In Annihilation 2099 (2024) #1

In the alternate reality of 2099, Wolverine survived far into the future and became the last member of the Nova Corps.

Old Man Phoenix

In Marvel Legacy (2017) #1

In a dimension ruled by King Thor after Loki wiped out humanity, Wolverine bonded with the Phoenix Force to become Old Man Phoenix.