Marvel Universe


In the year 2099, the Marvel Universe proves that there will always be a need for heroes. In this dystopian future, society is ruled by corporate entities and it is harder than ever to rise above the status quo. But there is hope in a new age of Marvels. Jump through time to discover Marvel 2099, and see what lies on the horizon for your favorite heroes.

The Future is Wild

Spider-Man 2099

In Spider-Man 2099 (1992) #1

Introducing Miguel O' Hara, Spider-Man of the year 2099! How did this former Alchemax engineer become the hero of Nueva York? Discover the origin of Spider-Man 2099 as he struggles against a future filled with violence and corporate corruption.

The Gathering

In X-Men 2099 (1993) #1

Meet the weird and wild assemblage of future X-Men...some of whom have powers resembling their predecessors!

Future Enemies

In Spider-Man 2099 (1992) #3

Miguel O' Hara recounts the final chapter of his Spider-Man origin to his A.I. assistant, Lyla. Hot on the trail after his Spider-Man transformation, Alchemax deploys a cyborg bounty hunter to eliminate future Spidey. Enter Venture, the most dangerous villain of 2099!

X-Men 2099

In TIMESTORM 2009/2099: X-MEN 1 (2009) #1

Glimpse into the future of Marvel's mutants in this time-bending one shot. What will the X-Men of the future look like? And with their planet in ruins from gamma-irradiated Hulks, will the world's remaining mutants band together for good?

Peter Parker Meets Miguel O' Hara

In Timestorm 2009/2099 (2009) #1

Peter Parker launched into 2099! After a dimensional rift sends Spidey reeling into the future, Marvel's present-day heroes collide with their 2099 counterparts. In the first chapter, Peter Parker witnesses the villainy of Alchemax, while Wolverine encounters Hulk 2099!

Hulks 2099

In Timestorm 2009/2099 (2009) #2

Present-day Spider-Man is being held captive in the future. Plus, the dimensional rift he opened has left Manhattan vulnerable to the evils of Alchemax! Guest-starring 2099's Punisher and Human Torch!

Punisher 2099

In Timestorm 2009/2099 (2009) #3

The temporal time-play continues as Washington D.C. is overrun with Hulks of 2099. Will Wolverine and Peter Parker be able to save their present...with help from the future? The penultimate issue to the Timestorm event! Guest-starring Doctor Doom 2099.

Future Spider-Man vs. Superior Spidey

In Superior Spider-Man (2013) #17

Spider-Man 2099 splashes back onto the panels with this triumphant return. After taking down Public Eye Enforcers, Miguel O' Hara finds himself shunted through the time-space continuum. Is present-day NYC big enough for two Spider-Men? Spider-Man 2099 collides with Superior Spider-Man!

Goblin Nation

In Superior Spider-Man (2013) #30

Miguel O' Hara caught in the web of Green Goblin! After Alchemax unleashes lethal Spider Slayers in present-day Manhattan, Spider-Man 2099 confronts Superior Spider-Man. But these Spider-Men may need to set differences aside when Green Goblin reveals himself as the ultimate mastermind!

Return of Miguel O'Hara

In Spider-Man 2099 (2014) #1

Spider-Man 2099 is currently stuck in the year 2014! He was stranded here by his father who is the head of an evil corporation called Alchemax in 2099. But in 2014, Alechmax has just been formed and Miguel has a chance to stop its corruption before it starts!

Back to the Future

In Spider-Man 2099 (2015) #1

With a job at Parker Industries, a stable relationship, and uncertain of what impact his actions will have on the future, Miguel has decided that it's time to hang up the webs and retire from being Spider-Man. But when a dangerous new threat appears and puts his new life in jeopardy, he's got no choice but to don some new threads and tackle the problem the only way he knows how: head on!